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Brie had been gone for a considerable amount of time and Ola was beginning to get worried

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Brie had been gone for a considerable amount of time and Ola was beginning to get worried. Not knowing the place very well the woman asked an equally concerned mick to assist her in looking for the girl. The two looked in every room,closet and stairwell that they came across,coming to the conclusion that she may have left the stadium when they didn't find her. Ola had began to calm down thinking maybe she had gone for a walk,however the calm didn't last as they approached the bathroom.

Mick entered first and he felt his heart drop when he noticed Brie passed out on the floor with a pool of blood around her head and on the counter. He made his way over as fast as his body would let him and immediately sunk to his knees. Ola was shaking and crying as she dialed 911,leaving the scene to go and find slash to tell him what was happening. Mick felt for a pulse on the girl and let out a breath when he felt it. It was weak,but it was there.

He moved her head gently to the side to look for the injury and winced when he saw the large gash that was prominent on her forehead near her temple. He didn't realise anyone else was in the room until slash was down right beside him,asking a million questions as he frantically tried to wake his sister up "hey man,c'mon lets just wait till the ambulance gets here alright" Izzy reasoned as he slowly pulled slash up,knowing that him poking and prodding at Brie was only going to make her condition worse.

Not two minutes later and the paramedics were hauling Brie into the ambulance with little to no hope that she was going to make it. Everyone followed in pursuit of the ambulance and sat in the waiting room as Brie was in a room down the hall,slipping further and further away.


Nikki had been pacing for what felt like hours,his hands in his hair as he yanked at it whilst berating himself. Vince was the first to notice the doctor and stood up quickly,placing a hand on nikki's shoulder "is she okay?" Ola panicked,her arms around her son who looked absolutely drained after hours spent crying in fear his sister was going to die. "She suffered a severe cocaine overdose that should've been fatal,paired with the large gash from where she hit her head she is extremely lucky to be alive." The doctor explained "can we see her?" Nikki croaked as he ran a hand through his matted hair.

The doctor sighed and put his head down "I'm not supposed to do this,visiting hours are over but I can let three of you in and I'm sorry but the rest of you are going to have to come back in the morning" he compromised. The group decided between them that it would be Nikki,slash and Ola that would see Brie,the rest would wait until the morning to see the girl. Everyone said their goodbyes and the doctor lead the three to Brie's room. "She isn't awake yet and we don't expect her to be until tomorrow at the earliest,but she can hear you so talk to her" and with that the doctor left them to it.

Nikki POV

I nearly fell over when I saw Brie laying unconscious in the bed. The stitches on her head looked so angry compared to her pale and sweaty skin that was caused by the large amount of blood loss. I sat on one side of the bed while slash and Ola sat on the other,the older woman holding Brie's hand as she cried and prayed for her to wake up. Slash looked gone,he was sat next to his mother staring into space as he bounced his leg up and down continuously,picking at his lip. I had my head placed in my hands as I looked down at my boots,trying to avoid looking at Brie because I knew I would only cry again.

I'm a fucking idiot. I can't believe I let her do this. I let her get worse. I knew exactly what she was doing and I acted like it wasn't even happening,like she wasn't going further and further off of the deepend everyday. I watched her do line after line,I watched her shove countless needles in her veins,I listened to her cry on the bathroom floor at night when she thought I was asleep and she would go in there to have a battle with herself,she would blame herself for everything that has happened in her life and would tell herself that it's what she deserved,and it broke my heart because it was so far from the truth. Brie had been through so much shit and she deserved so much better,and I wish it was me that could give it to her. But she would never care about me the way I care about her,it's my own fault because I keep pushing her away and I plan to keep doing it to keep her from going completely off of the rails and killing herself like she almost did today.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Ola wiping her eyes,looking down at me with a kind smile "me and Saul are going to head back to the hotel sweetheart,I know that there are some things you want to say to her but you don't want anyone else to hear. So use this time to do that okay? And we're going to be back in the morning" she said before squeezing my shoulder and exiting the room with slash in tow.

Gonna be some serious feelings being confessed by a certain someone in the next chapter😃 lmk what you thought of this chapter and as always votes and comments are appreciated ~Scarlett🙄

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