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Brie stood at the side of the stage with her close friend,Pamela Anderson as they watched crüe perform

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Brie stood at the side of the stage with her close friend,Pamela Anderson as they watched crüe perform. The two girls danced around,singing the words in each others faces with grins lighting up their features.

As soon as the crüe came off stage guns ran on seconds after,with the exception of axl who was waiting until the intro of their first song began playing. The redhead swaggered onto the stage,microphone in hand as he spoke to the thousands of screaming fans that had come to see the two bands.

Axl began to move energetically around the stage as the beat of 'nightrain' began to speed up. Brie's face lit up at the sound of slash's guitar. This was one of her favourite guns songs by far. She screamed the words in sync with axl and he looked over at her,grinning as she was singing nearly as loud as him without having a microphone.

Once the song was finished axl signalled the band to walk over to the front of stevens drum set. They spoke in hushed tones and everyone watched in confusion,they all dispersed from the little huddle with mischievous smiles on their faces making Brie slightly anxious.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen. I'm gonna bring out a special someone to help me with this next song,and I think your all gonna love it. And if you don't,suck it" axl spoke,before walking towards the side of the stage,grabbing bries hand and pulling her onto the stage with him.

As soon as the crowd realised who axl had brought out to the stage everyone began screaming for Brianna. Glaring at axl the girl huffed as he dragged a mic stand infront of her and adjusted it to her height.

"Axl what the fuck?" She questioned,making sure to move away from the microphone so that the fans didn't hear her. "Cmon Brie you have a great voice and you sing half our songs better than me,please just one song?" He begged.

She looked around the stage and noticed the rest of the band giving her pleading looks making her sigh and nod in agreement. "Alright fine you fucker. But only one song" she agreed. Axl grinned and placed a kiss on her head before signalling for the boys to start playing.

Brie listened to the beat of the song and grinned when she realised the song. Axl gave her a grin and a reassuring nod before he started moving around the stage like normal. Axl brought the microphone to his mouth and began to sing.

"Your daddy works in porno
Now that mommy's not around
She used to love her heroin
But now she's underground
So you stay out late at night
And you do your dope for free
Drivin' your friends crazy
With your life's insanity"

Axl and Brie ran around the stage together as they sang the chorus. The fans cheered and sang along with the two,Nikki found himself grinning at Brie,seeing her so happy made him happy,and he just hoped it would last because god knows she deserved some happiness in her life.

"Well, well, well you just can't tell
Well, well, well my Michelle"

She moved over to slash,leaning against him as she sang her heart out,the guitarist grinning at her and passing his cigarette to her which she took gratefully before moving back to the front of the stage with Axl.

"Sowin' all your wild oats
In another's luxuries
Yesterday was Tuesday
Maybe Thursday you can sleep
But school starts much too early
And this hotel wasn't free
So party till your connection call
Honey I'll return the key"

The chorus came around again and this time Axl picked Brie up,throwing her over his shoulder as they both sang into their microphones. Brie couldn't stop the laughs falling from her mouth as Axl strutted around the stage with her over his shoulder. She spotted Nikki standing at the side of the stage,smiling at her causing her to send him a big grin back.

She was happy in this moment.

She had her boys.

That was all she needed.

"Well, well, well you just can't tell
Well, well, well my Michelle
Well, well, well you never can tell
Well, well, well my Michelle"

"Everyone needs love
You know that it's true
Someday you'll find someone
That'll fall in love with you
But oh the time it takes
When you're all alone
Someday you'll find someone
That you can call your own but till then ya better"

Axl put brie back down onto her feet and she raced around the stage,choosing to go over to Izzy as Axl continued the song.

"Now you're clean and so discreet
I won't say a word
But most of all this song is true
Case you haven't heard
So c'mon and stop your cryin'
'Cause we both know money burns
Honey don't stop tryin' and you'll get what you deserve"

The two finished the song together,standing at the front of the stage and looking out at the crowd,who were screaming and chanting for Brie to sing another song.

"Well, well, well you just can't tell
Well, well, well my Michelle
Well, well, well you never can tell
Well, well, well my Michelle
My my my Michele
My my my Michele
My my my Michele
My my my Michele

She easily gave in and ended up playing the rest of the set with the band,and she loved every second of it.

I have finally updated thisssssss. Lmk what you think as always votes and comments are appreciated~Scarlett x

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