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Brianna POV

I sat in between slash and steven at the diner as I watched tommy and duff fight over the maple syrup. I started to regret going to the diner as I watched the two giants lunge at each other over the table. With wide eyes mick snatched away the syrup and started to pour it on his own pancakes ignoring the protests of duff and tommy.

I sighed before I waved Mary over,Mary is the longest standing waitress on the sunset strip and she new everyone's business but was also like a mother hen to many of the teenage runways and aspiring rockstars alike. Sending me a warm smile "what can i do for you sweetheart?" She asked in her soft voice "could we have another maple syrup please" she nodded and flashed me a smile before leaving and returning a few seconds later with the syrup. I said a quick thank you and handed the two giraffes their own bottle. I rolled my eyes and chuckled as their eyes lit up like christmas trees.

After the diner we stopped at the troubadour and had a couple drinks before making our way to the party that vince and axl wouldn't shut up about. When we arrived at the large beach house my jaw dropped,I had never seen something like this before,quickly closing my mouth when I heard the guys chuckling at me we made our way up the stairs and into the house.

4 hours later
Nikki POV

I watched brie stumble around clutching a bottle of jack Daniel's,chuckling I walked over and grabbed her forearms to steady her.Tripping over a table leg she lead me up the stairs,I furrowed my brows but let her keep walking anyway. When she stopped i realised we were on the roof "your not gonna jump right?" Jesus nikki,why the fuck would you say that I mentally punched myself in the face. "No I'm not gonna jump" she replied with a light chuckle that calmed my nerves.

I sat down next to her when she patted the concrete next to her
and noticed she was shivering which was probably because of her drugged up state. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders I smiled when she curled up into my side "I like your name" what the fuck is it,say stupid shit day? I questioned myself as I heard her chuckle.

"Its not my real name" she told me like it was a secret,taking a large drink out of the bottle of Jack she quickly jumped up and I did the same when we heard shouting. I tripped over my feet down the stairs trying to keep up with the short but surprisingly fast girl,stopping in my tracks three steps from the bottom I watched her jump on some big motherfuckers back and smash her now empty jack Daniel's bottle over his head,it was only when he fell to the floor did I then notice steven on the floor with a bloody nose.

Starting to make my way towards the group I was stopped by a chair being thrown at me,naturally I picked it up and lobbed it back in the direction it came from. This started a big fuck off brawl. Everyone,including us,started throwing,chairs,tables,lamps, glasses,bottles and anything that wasn't attached to the floor. Me and vince stood laughing our asses off as we watched brie drunkenly stumble round chasing people and launching bottles at their heads,the girl has a damn good aim.

3rd person POV

Brianna cursed when she fell over something hard,she looked down and saw it was a leg that belonged to a sleeping mick mars. The man was resident on the couch with his legs stretched out asleep whilst there was an all out brawl going on. Deciding the tired man needed his rest she gently patted him on the leg and proceeded to throw bottles and punches.

She froze when she noticed the tall and muscly guy she had previously hit making his way towards her,he grabbed her hair making her yelp. He drew his fist back but was stopped mid-air from throwing it into the young girls face by izzy who grabbed the mountains fist and twisted it behind his back,brie gave izzy a thumbs up and ran off to attack someone else. Meanwhile nikki and axl where in the middle of throwing broken chair legs at people whilst duff threw his cowboy boot at someone's face,brianna saw this and fell to the floor crying of laughter as duff cried out when someone picked up his boot and ran away with it,this started and even bigger fight because as duff drunkenly tripped over people who weren't involved and were just watching,they became pissed off and started attacking the poor giraffe who just wanted his boot back.

Slash,Tommy and steven had climbed to the top of the stairs and decided it would be a good idea to throw heavy things at the chandelier until it collapsed,when the Crystals finally came into contact with the floor and bodies the three rockstars cheered and used the banister as a slide,slash toppled over the top of it and landed on his face emitting a loud 'ouchieee' from him. The fun and adrenaline fueled night ended in all of them,minus mick in the back of police cars whilst they sung 'i want to break free' by queen.

THIS IS A STEAMY PILE OF SHIT AND IM SORRY BUT I WANTED TO PUBLISH IT. Votes and comments are appreciated~scarlett👅

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