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Brie woke up itching for a fix.

She dragged herself out of bed and into the bathroom,examining her face and huffing when she saw the state of herself. She brushed her teeth and her hair before throwing on a random outfit and leaving the safety of her hotel room.

She stumbled down the hallway before finding the elevator and reaching the lobby. The cigarette in her hand found itself on the floor when she saw someone standing with slash,someone she thought she wouldnt see again for a long time.

"Danny?" She croaked,her voice raw and cracked from lack of hydration. "Hey Rocky" he chuckled,using the nickname he gave her from the numerous fights she would get in when they were younger. Brie wasted no time in running and jumping into the boys arms,him quick to catch her with ease. "Shit I missed you. I- what are you doing out?" She stuttered whilst still trying to get her head around him actually being infront if her.

"Released on good behaviour baby girl,shit you don't know how much I missed you" the man replied with a toothy smile. Brie giggled like a schoolgirl and wrapped her arms tighter around him,scared to let go incase he was taken away from her again. She was too caught up in Danny being infront of her again to notice Nikki storming off,smashing a glass on the way after he had noticed Brie all over some random man.

Danny set Brie back on the ground and turned to slash,keeping an arm around the jittery girl as the two men had a conversation. She wasn't sure when but at some point Brie had zoned out and walked away from the two,she didn't realise where she was going until she ended up at the bar downtown that Nikki happened to be in. She walked over to him with droopy eyes and threw herself on the stool next to him,rolling his eyes he turned to her,moving the hair out of his eyes so she was aware of the daggers being sent her way.

"Nikki?" She said confused,not understanding why he looked like he wanted to kill her. "What do you want Brie" the bassist sighed,turning away from her and facing the bar "why are you mad at me?what did I do now? I haven't taken any of your shit-" Brie didn't get time to finish her little speech thanks to Nikki dragging her out of the bar and round to the alleyway,letting go of her and breathing heavily.

"This isn't about my shit Brie,this is just about you. This is just about you being a fucked up mess with a fucked up life and a fucked up relationship with everyone around you. You can't stay sober for more than 20 goddamn minutes before your out hunting for your next fucking fix and your gonna kill yourself you stupid bitch! What don't you understand about that? Do you wanna die? Huh? Is that why you do this?" Brie opened her mouth but didn't get the chance to speak since nikki was in fact not yet finished ripping her a new one.

"I can see it in your eyes right now Brie. Let me guess you haven't had a fix since your OD,fuck I bet your insides are screaming for anything you could get your hands on huh. You sat in my hotel room in the dark with me and you told me you didn't wanna be like your mom,you didn't wanna screw up and you didn't wanna end up doing what she did. And I-" by this point Brie was fuming,who the fuck did he think he was trying to tell her how she felt and what she's said.

"Nikki I swear to god if you don't shut the fuck up!" She screamed,yanking at her hair like a crazy woman. "I know what I said and I know what I'm doing,I have nothing Nikki so why should I care if it kills me,that was the whole point. I don't want to be here,I'm not even living I'm just existing and it's so draining. I started out with the best friends I could of ever had in the world and now,only few years later and they fucking hate me because I'm a junkie piece of shit. Axl calls me a fucking coke whore,Izzy tells me I'm not who I used to be,Steven doesn't talk to me anymore because he's always off his ass on heroin,slash fucking hates me so much he won't even look at me and I'm pretty sure duffs getting sick of my shit too"
Brie was sobbing as she ranted to Nikki and he just stood there listening with his arms crossed and his jaw clenched.

"And you.It all leads right back to Nikki fucking sixx,motley crues bassist and the biggest piece of shit on the planet. You make want to die Nikki,I fucking care about you and all you do is tear my heart out over and over again and I keep coming back to you because your the only one who's ever really cared and it hurts when you tell me you hate me,and you say you want me to stay away from you. But I'm too tired,so if you want me out of your life you need to tell me now." She said through sobs,not knowing how much she would regret her next words.

"If you don't want me out of your life then there's a silver spoon and needle waiting for me,and if you do want me out of your life then there's a rehab facility waiting for me in LA."

"Your choice,Nikki"

Ummmm so like yeah. Get it ig🙄 anyway lmk what you think as always cites and comments are appreciated ~Scarlett x

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