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Brie's heart was in her throat

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Brie's heart was in her throat.

She nervously fiddled with the frayed bottoms of her shorts as the tour bus pulled up outside the hotel. There was less than 24 hours until Brie would be face to face with Ola,and don't get her wrong the girl had missed the woman more than anything but she wasn't sure if she could last through spending time with her in the current state she was in. A few days ago she had made a decision that she was going to try and get clean,mick helped her dispose of all the heroin and coke that was in her possession and she had faith she would be able to,after all she didn't have a drug problem,right?

Wrong,because the next day she couldn't take anymore,feeling a physical ache in her body at the absence of the drugs in her system so she stole all of nikki's heroin for herself. Understandably,the bassist wasn't happy about this and her actions had lead to the two not being on speaking terms. It was torture for Brie,not being around her best friend but if Brie was anything it was stubborn and there was no chance in hell that she would be apologising,not first anyway. In her eyes she had done nothing to be sorry for,so what she took nikki's stash,he's a fucking rockstar for fuck sake! He's got enough money for three lifetime supplies of heroin,so Brie didn't understand why he threw such a bitch fit about the whole thing,it irritated the fuck out of her.

And to make matters worse Axl was beginning to get on her last nerve. All of the snide comments he was making,all the remarks and mumbling things under his breath. All of this and more that made the girl want to punch him in the face repeatedly,she didn't understand why he looked at her with disgust. The two were the best of friends a month ago and now he went out of his way to avoid her at all costs! But as much as she tried,Brie found herself caring less and less of what her so called 'friends' thought about her because as long as she had the comfort of her drink and her drugs she didn't need any of them,she would do just fucking fine on her own.

The group of six trudged off of the bus like zombies,one after the other slowly making their ways into the hotel. It seemed that every member of guns had turned to zombies,with the exception of maybe Steven who always had a smile on his face. Mötley however were in high spirits and practically ran to the hotel,Brie scowling at their good moods,envious of how they felt compared to her. She had been experiencing aching pains in her stomach for a few days and it felt like she was slowly deteriorating,not that she cared as she had come to the conclusion nobody would miss her when she died,wether It be in a few months or a few years.

She slumped down on the couch in the lobby of the hotel whilst the bands checked in. As soon as her body made contact with the heavily cushioned couch she was out like a light,and if it wasn't for Izzy spotting her she would've been left there. But the rhythm guitarist carried her up to her room and laid her on her bed before leaving her to sleep in peace and quiet because he knew she needed it.

The girl woke up disoriented,the room pitch black and cold making her sigh. She climbed out of the bed she didn't remember getting in and walked into the bathroom. Turning the light on and looking at herself in the mirror,she was startled by the light flooding in to the actual room but relaxed when she saw mick standing there. The guitarist turned the light on and walked over to Brie "room key" he explained,holding the object out to her she took it and smiled at him in thanks.

"Listen girly I don't know what happened with you and Nikki but you should figure it out." He spoke sternly,mick wasn't normally one to get involved with everyone's drama but he knew that the two needed eachother wether they wanted to admit it or not. "Nikki's a fucking asshole mick,there's nothing to figure out" Brie replied,angrily rummaging through her suitcase "where the fuck is my shit" she seethed,angry at the fact that she could not find her heroin anywhere. It took a moment but it clicked in her head,she had left her suitcase in nikki's room by accident because she was in such a rush to leave after the argument they had. "Motherfucker" she hissed,storming towards the door and swinging it open. Mick sighed and silently followed,going to duff and telling him that his asisstance might be needed in getting Brie away from Nikki before she killed him. Mick didn't explain the situation,knowing he was the only one that knew about Brie's reliance on drugs,nevertheless duff followed behind the guitarist and headed down to nikki's room.

Meanwhile Brie was throwing her fists at nikki as he tried to dodge them the best he could,the girl connecting nearly every time. "What the fuck is your problem you crazy fucking bitch?" Nikki shouted,grabbing her by her arms to stop her assault on him "you took my fucking heroin you asshole" she spat in his face,wrenching herself from his grip and falling on her ass at the force she pulled away. "Hey,no it was my heroin! You fucking stole it from me you stupid bitch. Get your fucking own" he screamed at her,his faces inches away from hers. Tears of frustration threatened to spill from her eyes and she wiped at them harshly before they could.

"Nikki you can buy as much as you fucking want. Your not gonna fucking miss it so why did you take it from me?" She screamed back,shoving him hard out of anger. The bassist shoved her back and she ended up halfway across the room "don't fucking shove me Brianna" he growled,feeling his anger rise at this situation. If anything he was doing her a fucking favour taking the drugs back,why was she being such a cunt to him?

"I hate you,you gigantic prick! You fucking ruined my life" she screamed at him,Nikki snapped and pointed a threatening finger at her as he stalked towards her "I ruined your life,me? No sweetheart I don't think so. I'm not the one who put the fucking needle in your arm,or forced the lines of coke up your nose,I didn't fucking abandon you because I didn't want you,I didn't treat you like a piece of shit because I didn't care about you! That wasn't me! So don't fucking blame me because you turned out to be a phsyco junkie whore" nikki's voice rose with every word he said and by the time he had finished he was screaming in her face and had backed the girl up against a wall.

She screamed in frustration before punching him straight in the face,shoving him back and shouting in frustration. She slid her back down the wall and sobbed into her knees,the girl was tired and angry and all she wanted was a fix and a fucking drink.why was that so much to fucking ask for. They were both breathing heavily,Nikki was littered with scratches and the odd bruise when bries fist had connected with his face. Their heads snapped up when mick and duff entered the room,taking in the sight before them.

Duff sighed and walked over to Brie,crouching down and lifting her chin so he could look at her face "what's going on with you?" The bassist asked,helping her stand up and stumbling to catch her when she nearly fell over again. "I don't care how you do it,but you keep that crazy fucking bitch away from me" Nikki told mick,he spoke every word with so much seriousness that even in her angry state,Brie felt her heart sink at his words. Duff walked her out of the room and took her back to his own,deciding that there was just no way he would be leaving her on her own after whatever the fuck had just happened.

The two didn't speak to eachother and Brie walked straight over to his bed,climbing into it and closing her eyes,letting the tears of anger and sadness finally fall. Duff gently wrapped his arms around her as she cried into his chest,the bassist was freaking out inside because he had no idea what was going on but he didn't show it as he held the girl to his chest and let her cry it all out.

Guys. Nikki and Brie ain't doing so good 😔 lmk what you think,Brie will be seeing Ola for the first time in six years in the next chapter. Votes and comments are appreciated and I would also like to thank you all for 11k reads. You guys literally mean the world to me and motivate me to continue writing and I love you all~Scarlett 🥰 p.s I'm sorry this ones short but I'm really busy lately and trying to update where I can😞

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