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Nikki and Brianna had been locked in a room together for the past twenty minutes and neither one had uttered a single word to the other. Nikki was sat on the couch and Brie was standing in the corner smoking,glaring at the floor.

"What's the point of this?" She asked with a scoff as she flopped down on the couch next to him "fucked if I know" he answered with a shrug. He turned to look at her and winced noticing the hand shaped bruise on her face,sighing he moved her hair out of her face and took a mental note of the dark bags under her eyes,her knotted hair piled in a messy bun on her head,her lips were chapped and dry.

"What happened?" He asked referring to the night outside of the strip club back in Seattle. "I called my dad" she said with a heavy sigh. Nikki was surprised at the revelation,he had told her about his crap childhood with his shitty mom and her shitty boyfriends along with his deadbeat shitty dad but Brie had never mentioned her parents to the bass player. "What happened?" Curiosity laced his voice as he let the words slip "he told me he had no idea who I was,thought I was calling for money and told me to never call him again before ending the call" she said raising her voice slightly at the end.

"I just I- I lost my shit because that call just made my stupid mother right. He never loved me,didn't want me he left her because of me! Me Nikki! I don't know what I did but all I know is that I was never good enough for either one of them and all she ever did was blame me! She never told me she loved me,never took me out for ice cream and to go play in the park like everyone else's parents did,hell half the time she was too strung out to even pick me up from school" at this point the broken girl was pacing around the room flailing her arms about like a mad woman. "I was desperate for someone to care and they never did. No matter how hard I tried i was never enough,sure I had slash but I wanted my moms attention,I wanted her to tell me she loved me,to just fucking smile in my direction or hug me. But it was always too much to fucking ask,she was never gonna care but I still tried. They didn't love me,nobody's ever gonna love me because I'm not enough."

Nikki watched her crumble to the floor in pieces with tears in his eyes as he walked over and pulled her into his arms,he wrapped them tightly around her as she buried her face in the crook of his neck trying to calm herself down and steady her breathing. "Hey,hey sshhh your okay" Nikki tried to calm the now hyperventilating girl down and sat her back on the sofa where he quickly took a seer next to her,resuming his position with his arms wrapped around her.

"I'm just like her Nikki" he heard her mumble causing him to immediately disagree "no your not baby,she sounds like a piece of shit to me and you aren't like that. You are my home Brie and I would be royally fucked without you,you're always here when shit goes wrong and I promise I'm gonna start being there for you." He promised,and he meant it. She wiped her eyes and looked at the track marks on her arms "but these make me like her" she said,gesturing to the scabbed over bruises "okay,we can fix that. Get you help" he assured her,trying to keep her thoughts from straying.

She sighed and picked at the skin on the corners of her nails "but I don't want help."

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