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Nikki sat in the uncomfortable chair and stared at Brie's pale face

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Nikki sat in the uncomfortable chair and stared at Brie's pale face. He fiddled with her nimble fingers as he though over in his head what he was going to say. The bassist wasn't really sure where to start,he could start by saying sorry, but that just wasn't in his nature and he doubted that she would ever believe he was anyway.

He thought about telling her how stupid she was,doing the things that led her here but then he realised he would just sound like a hypocritical asshole. He didn't really know why he was putting so much effort into this since he just knew that the two of them would be ready to rip eachother apart and leave the other broken down and distraught as soon as she was back with the living anyway.

"Listen,I've never done this before and I don't really got a fucking idea what I'm going to say to you but,fuck Brie why did you do this? How could you do this to Ola and slash? To all those crazy bastards. I,fuck I care about you. There I said it okay? Fuck it your not even hearing a word I'm saying right now your in a goddamn coma. Listen Brie I know I've been an asshole to you and you didn't deserve it,but I'm doing this for your own good because I don't want you to go off the deep end completely. But you need to pull your shit together when you wake up because i need you alright. I fucking need you Brie your the only one that understands what it's like to be me,your the only one that struggled the way I did but you still turned out to be amazing. Sure we all fuck up and make mistakes but you are the best thing to ever happen to me and I would be fucked without you so please,please wake up for me okay?"

Nikki stood to his feet once he finished his speech and left the hospital,leaving Brie laying in her hospital bed alone as her body fought to not shut down. He hadn't gotten everything off of his chest but he had decided that it was enough,he got his point across and that's all he needed to do. Now he could go back to his cold hotel room and plunge a needle in his arm,just like Brie would if she could because his words were so true,they were the same.


Nikki's seat in the uncomfortable chair had now been taken up by a sniffling Steven. Brie was his best friend and he couldn't live without her. His own addiction was taking a turn for the worst and he new that if he didn't stop he would end up like Brie,and he couldn't do that to his family. He sat and twirled a strand of her matted brown hair around his finger as he sat and begged her to wake up. The band was currently not on speaking terms with Axl after him and slash came to blows earlier in the morning when Axl had gone too far in speaking his mind.

He had ranted about how Brie's condition was solely her fault and nobody else's,how she was just another stupid junkie who would be dead in an alley somewhere before she hit 30. He called her names like they were school kids that didn't get along and he dragged her through the dirt as he said what he thought of her. Needless to say Saul Hudson was fucking livid as he heard the redhead talk about his sister like she was a piece of shit on his shoe. He had walked straight up to Axl and knocked him on his ass,causing the singer to stumble to his feet and retaliate,it took duff,Tommy,Izzy and doc to get the two away from eachother. Saul had stormed off of the bus as he spat one last sentence that was currently causing a million and one problems "I'm off the fucking tour".

The band aswell as management had been begging slash to think over his decision but his mind was made up. He was going to go back to the hotel,pack his and Brie's shit up,wait for said girl to wake up and be discharged from the hospital before he would have the two of them on a plane straight back to LA where he decided Brie would be going straight to rehab.

Wether she fucking liked it or not.

Sorry this ones short guys but like,dramaaaaa. Anyway the next few chapters are gonna be an absolute shambles but lmk what you think of this one,as always votes and comments are appreciated ~Scarlett

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