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when brianna and slash were kids the latter had a passion for riding bikes,especially BMX. Brianna wasn't,she wasn't a stuck up or snobby child,she was far from it but she still didn't hesitate to get on his bike and ride it down the hills. In the end she enjoyed it so much that slash's mom Ola bought brie her very own one,but slash and his little brother Albion decided what a brilliant idea it would be to steal the breaks off of it the day she was going to ride it down a particularly large hill.

Ola was like the mother that brianna always needed since her mother was a severe drug addict and her father left on her 1st birthday. So needless to say when brie was taken to hospital suffering from a broken leg and dislocated shoulder ola was not happy with her two sons and they were consequently grounded for an entire month but it wasn't all bad since Ola still allowed brie to come over and hang out with the boys.

Of course 10 years later slash thought it would be hilarious to go and borrow a BMX from a store down on the strip and bring it back to the apartment. Brianna simply scoffed and told him "Saul Hudson there is no way on this fucked up earth I am ever getting on one of those near you again". Steven who already new the story clearly thought it was a great joke as he and slash doubled over in laughter whilst the bassist,singer and rhythm guitarist stood and watched with raised eyebrows as they thought that their lead guitarist and drummer had officially lost the fucking plot.

"Aww c'mon the breaks are still attached you can check" slash slyly gestured to the bike that was being kept upright by the graffiti wall not far from the whisky which happened to be one of the many,many places you would find brianna if you ever needed her. "I swear slash if I get hurt I am gonna kill you" the girl snarled before mounting the bike and doing a couple tricks that she could faintly remember from her childhood. The boys 'woahhed' and where in awe of their best friend,she braked and much to her relief her curly haired idiotic bestest friend in the world was telling the truth and the brakes were infact still intact with the bike.

The next hour was spent with slash an brianna teaching duff,axl and izzy how to ride a BMX without breaking any bones. Granted brie did push duff off of it when slash told them the story of the brakes and the injuries the young girl suffered and the bassist thought it was a great time to laugh ha! 'He wont be fucking laughing when he's rolling around the floor in pain' she thought to herself as she shoved him off the bike.

"Don't laugh at me next time duffles" she said in a sing song voice as she walked ahead of them and made her way to the whiskey to start her drinking at 11 am 'huh' the girl thought to herself,that's pretty late for me.

Okay so it gets better I just wanted to get a couple chapters out its gonna get alot better,thanks for the support~scarlett💙

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