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2 Weeks later

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2 Weeks later

Brie had only just woken up and she began to panic when she realised she was in the hospital. She calmed herself down when she saw Tommy sitting next to her bed asleep in a very uncomfortable looking position. Her throat was dry and scratchy so she settled on poking the drummer until he woke up,which he did after the third hard jab to his arm. "Ow!what the fu-,holy shit Brie your awake" he shouted in pure happiness as he gently pulled the girl in for a hug that she returned.

"Tommy what happened?" She croaked,prompting Tommy to pick up his bottle of water and make her drink some. He sighed before grabbing her hand and gently running his thumb over the tattoo on her hand "you overdosed on coke in a bathroom Brie,mick and Ola found you and if it had been a minute later you would be dead right now" he wasn't going to sugarcoat it because this was a serious situation and she needed it put in her head that what she was doing and to what extent causes serious problems.

She put her head down and sighed,not speaking a word. She was absolutely livid with herself that she allowed Ola and mick to find her like that,why was she so fucking selfish. She sat silently and berated herself while tommy went to the payphone outside to inform the others of her condition with the promise he would be back before she new it.

She felt numb. She was beginning to get flashbacks. Something in her was so sure that it would have been all over,she should be dead right now,not laying in a hospital bed with an aching body feeling like she was slowly shutting down. The sharp pains that were invading her body were becoming unbearable fast and she was getting irritated.

Her eyes began watering when she saw Ola standing at the door,purse in hand she fiddled with the strap as she looked at Brie. Ola's heart was breaking more and more by the second,seeing Brie in this state was like going back in time 12 years before when she had been in this sitatuion with Brie's mother. Ola had seen the way Lisa king neglected and abused her little girl and she spoke her mind on the matter many times,even going as far as to try and get custody of Brianna although it unfortunately never followed through as there apparently wasn't enough 'solid evidence'.

Ola distinctly remembered one time when Lisa was in the hospital,she had overdosed just like Brie only with heroin instead of coke. The woman was in a coma for weeks and ola had visited her when she eventually came round. She sucked up her hate for the woman for the sake of Brie and begged her to get clean and look after her daughter,Lisa had laughed in the woman's face and told her to fuck off,and that Brie,the 9 year old little girl,could look after herself.

Ola didn't know what to do or say as she looked at Brie,who in this moment looked just like her mother. The woman sat down next to the young girl and took her hand in her own "sweetheart I'm so glad your okay" she breathed,wiping the sweat off of Brie's forehead. The withdrawls were kicking her ass and in this moment even with everyone surrounding her,she didn't want the drugs or the drink,she didn't want their apologies for not noticing and getting her help sooner,she didn't want to listen to herself as she repeated the same thing to each and every one of them like a broken record.

She just wanted Nikki.

All she wanted was for the bassist to hold her in his arms like he used to do and tell her that everything would be okay,even though they both knew that it was a lie. She wanted to be back at his shitty apartment in LA while they sat on the floor side by side and listened to Bowie and zeppelin,wrapped up in their own blanket of bliss as they basked in one another's company because that's where she felt safe and content. With Nikki.

Coming out of her thoughts she gently squeezed Ola's hand and gave her a weak,unconvincing smile "I'm sorry" she whispered "I didn't mean to cause any problems for anyone,I was just hurting and self destructing seems to be the only thing I'm good at" she rambled,taking her hand away from Ola's as she sat up. She looked to mick and sighed "I want to get out of here,I really don't wanna be here anymore" the man nodded his head and went to speak to a doctor so he could hopefully give Brie some good news.


Brie was now laying in her bed back at the hotel. A scowl on her face as she recalled the past few hours events. She had been arguing with slash for hours about going back to LA,she refused to go with him because she wasn't fucking stupid. She knew that going back meant rehab and she was not going there,nobody was going to make her either.

Slash had told her how stupid and careless she was being and she took it all in stride. He didn't understand that she was tired and she didn't want to argue,but that didn't deter him because they still had a screaming match in duffs room as he sat swigging a bottle of vodka.

Brie had left the room after telling Saul that he could go and fuck himself,he wasn't her father and the last thing she needed was him breathing down her neck about fucking rehab. The only way they would get her there was if she was dead or unconscious.

She lay in bed silently fuming and dug her nails into her head as she angrily cussed slash out in her head. She wanted to scream as she finally calmed down and her mind immediately began to drift back to Nikki.

Brie let the tears fall. She didn't care anymore,why should she? The pillow dampened beneath her from her tears as she buried her face in the soft material and sobbed her heart out. All she wanted was Nikki but she knew one thing,she couldn't have him.

Two updates in two days? Who are you and what have you done with Scarlett. Anyway this chapter was abit of a mess but lmk what you think,as always votes and comments are appreciated~Scarlett x

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