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Nikki pinned Brie to the wall as they made out like their lives depended on it

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Nikki pinned Brie to the wall as they made out like their lives depended on it. The girl wrapped her arms around her lovers neck and hooked her legs around his waist as he gripped at her hips,now starting his assault on her neck. "I thought you w-were mad at m-me?" Brie stammered through a breathy moan,Nikki made eye contact with her as he slid his hand down to her pants "oh I am" he replied with a devilish smirk before he moved them over to the bed in one swift motion.

He was gentle in laying Brie down on the bed but then made short work of tearing her clothes off whilst she did the same to him,leaving her completely vulnerable and Nikki in his jeans as he had moved out of reach with a chuckle,leaving Brie to sigh out in frustration. He hovered over her and leaned down to whisper in her ear "not yet baby".

He kissed his way down her chest and her stomach and stopped just above where she wanted him,looking up at her with lust filled eyes "Nikkiii" she whined as he gently rubbed his hands up and down her sides. The rockstar smirked to himself before he began going down on Brie,giving her what she wanted. Her hands held fistfuls of his hair,tugging at it as she arched her back from the pleasure. Already on edge,she nearly screamed when she felt two fingers enter her,nikki looked up at her and grinned to himself as he watched her come undone because of him.

He could feel her starting to clench around him and he knew that she was close,his point was only proved when she practically screamed "Nikki,fuck I'm close" the bassist worked his fingers faster and looked up at her with an innocent smile "you gonna cum baby?" He asked to which she nodded rapidly,only to cry out when he slipped his fingers out and sat back on his heels. He climbed back over her and began placing kissed on her neck again as she squirmed from the sensations she was feeling,he pulled away and looked at her with a cheeky smile "it's gonna be a long night baby" he promised,and that's exactly what it was.

Brie woke up the next morning with an aching body and a tanned,tattooed arm around her waist. She smiled to herself and turned over,cuddling into nikki's chest for more warmth. She frowned slightly,suddenly feeling the urge to shoot up creeping in. She slowly moved nikki's arm and climbed out of the bed before she went into the bathroom and pulled out what she needed to reach her high. Unbeknownst to Brianna Nikki had been awake since she moved his arm and he watched through the crack in the door as Brie plunged the needle into her arm without a second thought. He watched as she tilted her head back,a smile on her face as she dropped the needle and he felt his heart sink at the sight.

He scrambled to close the bathroom door when there was a loud knock,not wanting anyone to see Brie in her current state. Nikki threw some pants on and opened the door to reveal slash who looked like an excited puppy "what's up man?" Nikki questioned the guitarist,running a calloused hand down his face "is Brie here because I really need to talk to her dude"slash begged as his eyes darted around,matching his jittery posture and giving away that he was under the influence of something.

Nikki swallowed harshly and battled with himself wether he should allow the guitarist to see the girl he thought of as a sister in that state,or if he should just lie to him and keep him from worrying. The bassist chose the latter and cursed to himself for doing so "nah man she's not here,I'm not sure where she went" the lie rolled off of his tounge easily but the guilt swallowed him whole. Slash sighed quietly and nodded with a small 'thanks man' as he turned away and staggered down the hall. As soon as the man was out of sight Nikki closed the door and made his way over to the bathroom,twisting the doorknob and reluctantly peering in to see the mess that was Brianna.

The girl had passed out and was slumped agains the bathtub with the elastic still tied tightly around her arm. Nikki untied it and threw it on the floor as he sat down next to the girl and pulled her into his arms,wrapping them securely around her as he rested his head on top of hers. Nikki wished that he could help her,and he wished that he could understand why she did the things she did. She was impulsive and upfront,never giving a single fuck about what anyone had to say. She spoke her mind and was never one to shy away from confrontation and Nikki fucking loved that about her,but he also worried because he knew that she only did these things to cover up the way she felt and the struggles that she went through everyday.

He knew she thought she wasn't good enough and he knew she thought she was undeserving of people's love but that was so far from the truth and he wanted so bad to make her realise that. Looking down at the girl In his arms Nikki sighed and held into her a little bit tighter and whispered to her,even though she couldn't here it "we're gonna be okay".

Giggles nervously 😬 so um yeah. Enjoy the update I guess (sorry it's shit) ~Scarlett x

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