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"Oh my god you are such a fucking cunt Nikki!" Brie screamed,throwing the hotel phone across the room in a poor attempt to hit the bassist with it

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"Oh my god you are such a fucking cunt Nikki!" Brie screamed,throwing the hotel phone across the room in a poor attempt to hit the bassist with it.

"Can you just let me explain? It wasn't what it fucking looked like okay so calm down you fucking phsyco" he screamed back.

Brie had walked into hers and Nikki's hotel room to find him screwing some blonde bimbo up against the wall. To say she was fucking fuming would be the understatement of the fucking century.

"Oh? Not what it looked like? Well then what in the fuck were you doing Sixx because it looked like you were fucking her up against the wall." She fumed.

"Y'know what,fuck you Brie! I don't have to sit here and listen to your bullshit. Fuck off you cunt" Nikki may have thought he had the last word in their fight as he sauntered down the hotel corridor,but he was sorely mistaken when Brie ran after him,screaming her lungs out as she hurled insults at him. Other residents at the hotel stood in shock and horror as they watched the two go back and forth,screaming at each other.

"You know what Brie.That's it.I'm so done with your fucking shit,you are mental and you need serious help. Why don't you do everyone a favour and fucking overdose again and kill yourself this time." Nikki yelled,resulting in him turning his back on the girl and receiving a swift right hook straight to his face from none other than Duff. The blonde bassist wailed on Nikki as Brie stood with tears rolling down her face.

The man that she cared about,dare she say loved in some sick and twisted way,had just flat out told her to kill herself. There was no coming back from this. She felt numb. She felt sick. She just wanted it all to be over,wanted everything to stop and go back to the way it was before she ever met Nikki.

But it was too late for that.

By the time duff was satisfied that he had beaten Nikki enough,he stood up and slowly made his way over to Brie. The girl was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall,shaking and gently rocking herself back and forth as she sobbed and mumbled incoherently.

"Brie,hey c'mon sweetheart it's alright. Let's get you out of here okay?" Sighing when he got no reply duff pulled her to her unsteady feet and led her to stevens room,figuring that if anyone would cheer her up it would be the blonde drummer.

The bassist pounded on the door and called out for Steven to open up,which he did in near seconds. His usually happy face was this time replaced with a frown once he caught sight of Brie sobbing in a still raging duffs arms. He lead the two into his hotel room and Duff sat Brie down on the bed,the girl quick to resume her position of her knees to her chest and her hands yanking at her hair.

"Hey Breezie,what's the matter?" Steven asked softly,approaching her slowly and sitting next to her before pulling her into his arms.

That was all it took.

Brie sobbed and screamed for what felt like hours but in reality was only for a few minutes as the drummer rubbed soothing circles onto her back,talking to duff as the bassist informed his band mate that he was going to get slash. Figuring that the girl needed her big brother in her current state.

Slash's POV

"Yo Saul,open up man come on" I heard duffs muffled voice say from the other side of the door. Frowning at his worried tone i quickly opened the door and widened my eyes at his bloody knuckles. "Whoa what happened man?" I asked,concern building an uncomfortable pit in my stomach.

"Nah it doesn't matter man,just come with me" I was given no time to reply because he began dragging me down the halls until we reached Stevens room. Arching my eyebrow in confusion I moved the hair from my face and gave duff a confused look. Why were we here? I asked myself.

Not saying anything he pushed the door open and revealed a sobbing Brianna. My heart dropped into my stomach as I watched her scream and cry in stevens arms,thrashing about and hitting herself.

She was having a manic episode.
What the fuck is going on?

In no time I rushed over and gently pried her away from my friend,she kicked and thrashed around until she realised who had a hold of her. Shoving her face into my neck she gripped into my T-shirt and continued to sob as I wrapped my arms securely around her,resting my chin on the top of her head as I looked at my friends who looked just as worried and distraught as I felt.


This continued for another twenty minutes as the three of us stood helpless until she went limp in my hold. She had passed out.

I reached behind her knees and picked her up before laying her down on stevens bed and throwing the duvet over her.

My face contorted to anger as I turned my attention to Duff and Steven. "One of you better tell me what the fuck is going on,now" I all but growled.

Duff explained to me what had happened and what he had heard. I was beyond grateful that he stuck up for my sister,one of his best friends in the way he did.

But Nikki fucking Sixx still had it coming.

And he had it coming at full fucking force.

Uh oh guys. Things are about to go very wrong very fast. My girl Brie can't catch a fucking break😩

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