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Brianna had just arrived at the rainbow alongside her boys who were getting hyped up about their set. Smiling at Steven's goofyness as he practically jumped up and down at the side of the stage waiting to go on,she hadn't noticed the sudden absence of one curly haired man who also happened to be her number one bestest friend.

Axl walked over to her and informed her that the guitarist had disappeared,she rolled her eyes and let out a sigh as she stalked throughout the bar looking for him. Spotting him in a corner sticking his tongue down a redheads throat she scoffed before strutting over and pulling slash up by his arm,the man in question was about to protest until he caught the glare his bestfriend was giving him "you have a show to do fucker" brie reminded him before cuffing him on the back of the head and flipping off the redhead who was sat glaring at brianna,clearly pissed off because she had interrupted her little make out session.

As the two approached the boys brie furrowed her brows at the other group that had joined guns and were now laughing and joking with them,it was only when she stood between duff and slash did she then realise that it was infact the boys of mötley crüe. "Brie come here,say hi" the girl chuckled as steven practically dragged her over to a now smirking nikki and vince accompanied by a laughing tommy and a very tired looking mick.

Brianna's POV
"Boys this is the amazing,spectacular,bat shit crazy,scary as fuck.... brianna rossi" I raised my eyebrows as axl introduced me to the boys "that's a real colourful intro you got there ax" I said as he smirked at me before stealing the bottle of vodka out of my hand that I had swiped from someone's table. The boys laughed at my pouty face before introducing themselves. We talked for about 10minutes and it was time for guns to go on stage,I stood with the mötley boys and grinned as I watched my bestfriends do what they loved.

"There awesome dude!!" Tommy exclaimed in happiness as he threw his head back and forth to 'paradise city'. They watched in amusement as I shouted every word from the top of my lungs earning a few startled and annoyed looks from people who just wanted to 'enjoy the music' . "I know right" I shouted over Slashes guitar and axls vocals as they started welcome to the jungle.

The set ended and we all relocated to the roxy and sat down in a booth. "So how long have you been friends with guns?" Vince asked with a charming smile "I've been friends with slash all my life,met steven when I was twelve and the I've known the others for about a year and a half now" I said with a smile as I remembered meeting them all.

"That's so cool dude" tommy grinned. I chuckled at his excitement and my eyes lit up when axl passed me a silver tray containing my favourite white powder,I made short work of cutting it into three perfect lines before snorting it and raising my head with a grin. Duff threw a lanky arm around me and placed a bottle of tequila infront of me, I picked up the bottle and started gulping it down.

After about a minute I set it down to see tommy,vince and even axl staring at me with there jaws on the floor. I chuckled and wiped my  mouth before stealing slash's cigarette "shes awesome,man" I heard tommy say to izzy who simply smiled and nodded in agreement.

It was now 12:30am and we were stumbling down the street. Crüe told us we should head pack to their apartment as they were having one of their parties and it 'shouldn't be missed' tommy had told us as he and steven slipped down the road like mindless 5 year olds. We agreed nonetheless and that brings us to now,I was sitting on the couch next to nikki snorting some lines when we got startled by slash being shoved backwards and onto the coffee table by some surfer looking asshole.

I shot up off of the couch and got in the guys face "what the fucks your problem asshole" I spat as I shoved him backwards,the man looked taken back by my strength but covered it up with a smirk which angered me more. "He was hitting on my girl" he snarled "Johnny I told you already he was apologising because he accidentally spilt a little of his drink on my dress" the girl who I assumed was Johnny's girlfriend spoke up.

"Apologise to him now shithead" I seethed,he looked me up and down before walking over to where slash was now standing watching with the boys and spat at him. Before they had a chance to react I had spun him around and swung my fist straight into his mouth,before my assault could continue i was pulled away by a smirking nikki.

Ooh brie has met the crüe i repeat brie has met the crüe. Let me know what you guys think so far,comments and votes are appreciated~scarlett❣

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