n i n e t e e n

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I stepped out of the plane and felt full of life. It didn't matter that I was tired from the 16 hour flight and the layover, in that moment I felt happier and then ever. I looked arond to see signs written in Hangeul. I moved forward as the attendant ordered. I felt the cold winter air slap my cheeks in a pleasant way, as if it was saying "Welcome home".

'Home... that's what I want it be' I thought as I walked down the stairs in front of my mom.

"Sooo, how are you feeling?" my mom asked in an overly excited voice.

"I feel so good, mom!" I exclaimed, "I can't believe we're finally here!"

"Me neither!" she sighed happily as we walked towards the airport building.

We had left at 9pm last night from Romania and arrived at 7am in Korea. The time difference of 6 hours was confusing, I didn't understand it, because When I talked to the guys it was 3am for them, but they slept for 4 hours and I arrived, while I spent 16 hours on the plane.

I sat on a chair in the baggage claim area and I called Chan, feeling remorseful towards him because of the early hour. He picked up nonetheless.

"Y/n! You arrived? Let me tell Hyunwoo-hyung." he said happily.

"Hi, yes... I'm sorry I woke you up so early..." I apologized. I saw mom pick up one suitcase and placing it down.

"It's okay, we were already up!" he brushed my worry off.

"Oh, really? Why?" I asked, confused as to why he would be up so early.

"We calculated the estimated time you'd arrive and set alarms. Only me and manager-nim, though. I'm going to wake the others up when we meet up. It's Sunday so we have the day off!" he chirped.

"Oh, Chan-oppa... you didn't have to, but thank you. How long until Hyunwoo-ssi arrives?" I questioned as I rolled a suitcase towards the chair I was previously sitting on.

"He just left, so about 30 minutes if there is no traffic. I gave him your number, he will call you when he gets there." he explained.

"Oh, thank you."

"No problem."

"You should go back to sleep now, oppa." I suggested.

"Yeah, I could sleep some more. When do you want to meet?" he asked.

"Let me ask mom, wait." I lowered the phone and went to my mother.

"Hey mom?" I asked in romanian.

"Yes, what is it?" she was still watching out for the next two suitcases.

"When can I go meet the guys?"

"Hm, how about in the afternoon? So we have time to settle in the apartment a bit." she offered.

"Okay, is 3pm good?" I suggested and she nodded.

"Is 3pm okay?" I asked Chan.

"It's perfect. You'll come to the dorm right?" he answered.

"If you want me to, yes."

He chuckled, "Perfect. I'll tell manager-nim to bring you." he added.

"Isn't it too much? I mean Hyunwoo-ssi is already driving me from the airport... I don't want to bother him." I played with the hem of my hoodie.

"He wouldn't mind to, but it's not him. Our other manager." he said in a slightly suggestive tone.

"Oh," I paused, "the cute one? The one that's 25??"

𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐃𝐌 // 𝚂𝚔𝚣 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now