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I woke up the next day around noon with a headache. I went to the kitchen where my mom was waiting.

"Good morning sweetie. How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Like shit. I feel nauseous and my head hurts" I pouted and sat across her at the table.

"I'm sorry, honey... Here, I picked up some medicine for headaches and nausea that the doctor recommended . I also picked up the prescription medicine from your therapist." she said taking out multiple cartons and bottled pills.

"What prescription?" I wasn't told anything.

"Ms. Amelia gave me one after your talk. Some pills you have to take very day, anxiety medication and antidepressants..." she trailed off, eyes glued to the bottles in front of her.

"Oh, okay. When do I have to take them?"

"These pills," she gestured to a blue bottle "are the anxiety pills, you have to take one in the morning and evening. The others, "she pointed to the red one "are the anti depressants that need to be taken once a day, in the morning. You also have some sleeping pills here" a yellow bottle "that you should take whenever you can't fall asleep."

"Is it necessary I take them..?" I asked look at the ground.

"Yes, for now. Ms. Amelia will decide how you continue further." she stood up and walked towards me holding my shoulders, "I want you to know, that I am always here for you. I don't judge you for this... I just wish you'd be more open about it."

I scoffed "Yeah sure, because everyone with anxiety and depression freely expresses their emotions." My mom sighed and walked back to her seat.

" Oh, also! This is for your anemia, take it with the vitamins.Take these and see if you are up for eating."she paused, "no, you WILL be eating, just come back in an hour tops or I'm dragging you here myself."

"Yes, mom..." I said taking the boxes and bottles to my room. I saw a post-it on the bag with the dosages for each day. I took all my pills and laid down with my eyes closed, waiting for the nauseating sensation to pass.

After half an hour, according to the clock on the wall, I sat up and went back to the kitchen where my mom was standing, making some food.

"Feeling better?" I nodded and sat down.

"Mom, I can't eat anything heavy...I'm not feeling entirely better."

"Okay, how does toast with butter and a few veggies sound?" she questioned.

"With mint tea?" I asked giving puppy eyes. She laughed and agreed.

"Hey, mom? What day is it?" I didn't have my phone yet, I wasn't allowed yet.

"It's Tuesday." she said pouring hot water over the mint leaves.

"Tuesday??? What about school?" I looked at her with wide eyes. "Wait! It was Sunday when I passed out!"

"Yeah, you were unconscious for 27 hours. And forget about school today, maybe next week. Depending on how you feel." she said.

"Wow, mom. You never forced me to stay home," I teased "not even with that fever I had."

"Hey, it's different now!" she exclaimed, " I saw you in that hospital bed and I felt like an awful mother. I didn't notice you falling apart and getting weaker everyday... I was only focused on myself. I'm sorry I always ignored you when you were feeling sick, I always felt that it was nothing. I mean a cold, a fever? It's not like you couldn't walk, you know? That's how I thought, but after hearing about what you've been suffering through.. I can't imagine how weak and sick you must've felt with just the slightest cold.." she sighed.

𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐃𝐌 // 𝚂𝚔𝚣 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now