t w e n t y t h r e e

966 25 31

Its been long, Im sorry.
Its been SO hard to do anything these weeks, Im sorry.
The chapter is not my best one and it's short, sorry. Its all I could do...
!! small TW// panic attack, I'll add some "!!!"

(my IG: @minholythighs_o.o_)

After the show ended, the boys got changed while Sangmi pulled Y/n aside to redo her makeup. The young girl protested, saying it's okay she didn't need to bother, but the woman brushed her off and sat her down. After everyone was ready, they went to a restaurant to have a celebratory meal.

The group walked into the restaurant and sat at a table on the left. The place seemed pretty full, but the staff assured them that it was safe since it was a place dedicated for famous people to have privacy here. Y/n sat down at the big table, on the couch side, smushed between Chan and Changbin.

The managers and staff took a table nearby to themselves and told them to come over if they needed anything. The kids looked through the menu and decided what they would eat and drink. Y/n legally couldn't order alcohol but she didn't miss the wink Minho threw her was as her ordered two soju bottles. The girl quietly giggled and ordered a lemonade. They discussed bit more about the food and called the waitress back. Y/n settled for some kimbap with side dishes, while the guys ordered a bunch of stuff.

"So, how are you guys feeling?" Y/n asked trying to make some conversation.

"We're fine. Personally, I'm not upset we didn't win, because we competed with strong sunbaenim and it's an honor to have been their competition." Chan confessed and several hums of agreement were heard across the table.

The waitress arrived with their drinks faster than Y/n would've expected. She thanked the woman and sipped the lemonade making a satisfied noise. She just tasted it, she wouldn't drink it all before the food came, she knew better than that.

"So, Y/n-ah." Minho started, "Do you think you'll visit us again after these two weeks?"

"Of course." she answered immediately without thinking twice about it. She definitely would, even if she couldn't get into college here.

The boys smiled at her softly promising that they will make time for her if she announces them.

"Did you apply to universities yet?" Chan, ever so thoughtful, asked.

"Yes, I did." Y/n smiled. The waitress came with some side dishes and the girl made some room for her.

"Did you hear back yet?" he asked picking up a random pickled radish and plopped it into his mouth. Y/n giggled at his behavior.

"Not yet. I will start hearing from them around March most probably." she took a sip of water the waitress has brought her. "If I get into any of them I'll have to go to the next stage."

"What's the next stage?" Jisung asked leaning forward so he can crane his neck and look at the girl better.

"Interviews." she shuddered and Chan placed a comforting hand on her back.

"Ugh, I remember those. Good luck, it will go relatively well." Seungmin attempted to encourage the girl.

"Yeah, as scared as I am of them I can't wait to see if I get into any uni.." she admitted. She was wringing her hands underneath the table and Changbin noticed, so he took her hand in his. She shot hm a grateful smile.

"I'm sure you can get in." Jeongin told her gently.

She let out a snort, "Yeah, I'm not so sure..." She bit her lip nervously feeling dread creeping up on her.

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