f o u r

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@ //yong.bokkkie

omg i get it korean is hard

but u get used to particles

don't overthink it just use what u feel is right in the moment

also tmiotd is tmi of the day

well then my tmiotd is that I also cook!

Also what r u baking send pics!

U r housewife material damn

And me husband material

Omg look at that we fit;)

Jk jk

Soo my day went great

We practiced for another 2 hours then called it a day

Then I went to my korean classes too

Lately we have been working more and more on like pronunciation and slang

Because my teacher is cool and told me I need to know slang too

And then I made some food for me and my friends

And now im on the couch texting you during this boring movie my friends chose

@ //minholythighs


so ur just texting me cuz ur bored and not cuz u wanted:'(

haha jk jk

text me whenever ur bored

also learning slang that's so cool!!!

U have to teach me some too

Also omg house-band material


Im so funny

Also I made

Chocolate banan bread

View photo

@ //yong.bokkkie





@ //minholythighs


omg shut up!!!

I told u I mae typos >:(

@ //yong.bokkkie

Ahahah ok sorry ill stop

Also I like texting u don't doubt that


@ //minholythighs

awwww whipped already Zack?

Jk jk I like texting u too :)

We should also call sometimes!

@ //yong.bokkkie



Are we calling on ig?

@ //minholythighs

wwell yeh

I cant call for free in korea on the normal phone

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