The box of Pandora

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Chapter 35

Shrimayi woke up to find the other side of the bed empty.

It was four in the morning.

So he wouldn't go to running this early or may be he did.

You could never know anything when it came to Shreerang. He was unpredictable and a fitness freak. The deadliest combination of all.

She wanted to go back to sleep however she found herself tossing and turning in bed.

After a while, she got frustrated with herself and got up.

She walked around in the wada in her PJs and ran into her mother-in-law. The latter had already taken bath and was now doing her morning prayers.

Shrimayi was about to snuck out without disturbing her but it was too late.

"Why did you wake up this early beta?"Vasanti asked.

"I couldn't sleep. Where is Shreerang?"She asked trying not to sound concerned at all.

"Ranga left for Panvel."She said.

Shrimayi noticed a lack of usual chirpiness in her mother-in-law's voice.

"I thought he must have told you."The latter said noticing the signs of perplexity on her face.

"Oh! He didn't."She shrugging off, trying to sound unbothered.

"What's in Panvel?"She asked unable to curb her curiosity anymore.

"His uncle's farmhouse."Her mother-in-law answered, still concentrating on the flame of the lamp that was flickering due to the wind from nearby window.

When it became steady again, she diverted her attention on the woman standing in front of her.

Shrimayi was still standing in her place, shuffling her feet nervously

Vasanti realised the girl hadn't have a clue about anything related to the topic so she took pity on her and decided to not leave her hanging anymore.

"He hasn't talked about it at all,has he?"She asked touching her shoulder gently.

Shrimayi shook her head for no.

She appeared calm from the outside while the impatience to know the matter was spinning her head in circles.

"Naresh was my younger brother. He passed away four years ago.

Shreerang was really close to him and he changed after his death. Ranga doesn't show it but he is very sensitive. I sometimes blame myself for staying away from him during his college days. Those years were hard on him. They changed him so much. But Naresh was always by his side when I couldn't be. He used to say to me- Don't worry Sudha. One day he will surprise himself and turn things around on his own. And Ranga did. He established an empire on his own. Sometimes I think no one understood him quite like Naresh did. Not even me, his own mother.

Naresh passed away in a plane crash. He was on his way to meet Shreerang at his business school in USA."Vasanti stopped midway to wipe her tears.

"I am sorry."Shrimayi gave her a tight hug.

The former hadn't experienced many deaths in her family so closely.

Her grandparents had passed away when she was just a toddler but she still couldn't even imagine the pain such tragic events inflicted on the family of the deceased.To lose someone you loved was the worst thing in the world.

The second worst thing was, seeing her mother-in-law crying.

"I am so sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."She kept apologising through the guilt.

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