The cousin code

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Chapter 11

Both girls stopped in their tracks upon hearing Netra's voice and gradually turned around.

"What did you do to that Ninad dada's shoes?"She asked glaring at Gauravi.

Sumitra approched them noticing the seriousness on their faces.

She looked horrified when she came to know about the shoe scandal. However she told Netra to not scold her niece anymore. The latter already looked like she was on the verge of crying.

"Aai, you look worried? Is everything okay?"A voice interrupted them.

It was none other than Shreerang.

His mother-in-law decided to tell him the truth. To her utter disbelief, he broke into fits of laughter upon hearing the whole story.

"You seriously soiled his shoes?"He asked trying to control the laughter as he noticed his little sister-in-law looked upset with the mishap.

He decided to cheer her up.

"You want to steal my shoes?"

He coaxed her as if she was a baby.

Gauravi was really impressed with her brother-in-law's cool attitude towards the whole incident but acknowledging the fact would have made her a traitor according to the cousin code.

So she narrowed her eyes at him instead.

"Okay. I will take that as no."He commented raising his hand in mock surrender.

Netra nudged her daughter's side and asked her to apologise to him about what she had done to his friend's shoes.

"Kaku it must have happened by mistake. All these two sweethearts were trying to do was steal the shoes as per the tradition."He tried justifying their actions.

"Yes. That's what we wanted to do."Anchal tried to come clean, earning a glare from her best friend.

"Here. Will five thousand do?"He offered the money to Gauravi. She refused to take it and grabbed her friend by the arm and left.

"Sorry Beta(Son). I will arrange a pair of new shoes for your friend."His mother-in-law offered before Netra could say anything.

"No need Aai. Let him walk barefeet in the wedding for few more minutes. I will lend him my extra shoes in a while."

He gave her a mischievous smile and went on to check Ninad's current condition,mostly to laugh at his expense rather than to offer help.

"We are so lucky."She reckoned out loud, looking at his retreating figure.

Netra only was shot her a fake smile in response.

After the dinner, all guests gradually left the villa.

Now it was time for the farewell of the bride.

Shrimayi tried to stay strong in front of her arch nemesis and controlled her tears. But when she saw her dearest parents crying, she couldn't keep the tears at bay. She gave them a group hug and sobbed in their arms.

She was going to live without them now that too in another city.

The thought made her heart sink deeper.

Her uncle hugged her and cried too. After all she was the first born child of Paranjpe clan.  Her aunt pretended to look sad but she knew her better than anyone else.

Shrimayi just bid her a goodbye for the sake of formality but when she looked at the girl standing next to her, fresh tears made an appearance on her cheeks.

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