The false alarm

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Chapter 27

Shreerang's mother always believed he had a green thumb* just like her brother.

Afterall, he had picked up his gardening hobby from the latter himself.

She was assured that no plant in their garden would ever die on his watch.

But some power of mythical finger wasn't enough when it came to gardening. One was required to tend to plants like their own offsprings.

Hence he took out some time from his busy schedule to take care of the flora and fauna in his garden on a regular basis.

Gardening helped him relax.

Watching the saplings or seeds you planted grow into a new life was ecstatic. Atleast that's how he felt everytime he looked at his garden.

He was currently planting seeds of pumpkin when he saw his wife heading out.

"Excuse me. Where do you think you are going?"

She shot him a disbelieving look.

"I need to know."

"You are unbelievable."She retorted.

"Thanks. I get that a lot. Now enough about my awesomeness. Where are you going?"

"Do you see this?"She said pointing towards her hair.




"My hair you stupid. The curls are starting to come back. I need to visit a salon to fix that."She patted few locks of her hair absent-mindedly.

"I will come along."He announced.

"Why? Do you want to get waxed or something?"She said smirking.

He had no answer for that.

"I thought so."She smirked.

"Fine. When will you be back?"He asked.

"I am not psychic*. I wish i was though I would have totally skipped meeting you in this lifetime. Would have solved half of my problems."She huffed looking at her nails in total disinterest.

Some of her nails were chipped and ugly but they were sans nailpolish after so many years.

She kinda liked it.

Maintaining good nails was harder than walking on path of fire.

"I am not psychic either but i can still predict your future. If you don't show up in two hours you will be in trouble."He said with a smirk.

Her eyebrows shot up upon hearing his threat."Who the heck are you to give me a deadline?"

"Look. I am not doing this for my own pleasure. Who am I kidding here? To be honest I have started enjoying this a bit. But you brought this upon yourself. Shouldn't have lied about meeting your boyfriend."He shrugged off and got back to burying the seeds.

"You are a loser."

"Thanks for the compliment but you should hurry up. The clock is ticking."

Shrimayi stomped her feet in frustration and walked out the gate of the wada.

She was waiting for her cab when she noticed someone loitering around the premise of their house.

Her frown soon turned into a devilish smile.

"Hi! You are the new neighbour from across the street?Ziya right?"

The girl gave her a meek nod in response.

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