The elephant in the room

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Chapter 43

Shreerang heard a knock on the door of his cabin.

"Come in."He said still going through the project blue print in front of him.

Bhumi sheepishly entered inside and told him about some clients waiting for him in the lounge area.

He told her to send them in conference room where he would meet them shortly.

He got back to looking at the blue prints again.

He felt her hovering presence and looked up finally.

"What is it?"

She looked nervous and was looking at her feet constantly.

"Sir I want to apologise for my awful behaviour. You still kept me as your secretary. I am really grateful for that."She said finally meeting his eyes.

"I didn't have a say in keeping you."He brushed her off.

She looked hurt but quickly fixed her face with neutral expression.

"Still thank you, Shreerang sir. I will apologise to your wife as well."

"Your apology is not going to fix anything. The damage is done."He sighed and got up from his chair, about to leave the cabin.

"I can try. Please give me one chance."She said genuinely.

"Some mistakes don't come with a second chance Bhumi. I learnt it the hardest way."He said and left her standing alone in the cabin, to decipher the meaning behind his words.


As Shreerang parked his car in front of the wada he contemplated entering inside.

He had got up earlier than usual for work that day and had left before his wife could wake up.

He had successfully avoided a confrontation with Shrimayi since their heated argument at the event night until that moment. However he couldn't procrastinate anymore.

He hesitantly pushed the door of living room open and was heading straight to his room when a voice took him by complete surprise.

"Javai bapu, you are home."Sumitra said enthusiastically.

He turned around so quickly that he feared his neck would snap into two.

His mother-in-law wasn't alone though. Her husband was also accompanying her.

"Sumitra let him take a breather. He must have been working all day."The latter said.

"It's alright Baba."He said and walked upto them.

He bent down to take their blessings and they patted his head in response one by one.

"When did you guys arrive?"He enquired sitting across from them on a single chair.

"Few hours ago. We were in the city to buy few things for Mangala gauri.*"

Sumitra said in an animated way.

"When is the puja?"He asked and realised he had totally forgotten about it until his mother-in-law had initiated the topic.

"Day after tomorrow. We thought we would pick Maya on the way. That way we will get to spend some extra days with her. But I think it's better if she comes to Mumbai on the scheduled day only. Your parents are not around. Who will take care of the household and your meals."

"Don't change your plans on my account, Aai. I will be fine. You can take her with you."He assured.

He was thankful she wasn't around.

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