The Return of an old flame

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Chapter 29

Shrimayi was enjoying herself some 'me' time when her phone started buzzing, flashing a familiar name.

'Cavemen calling.' It read.

At first, she thought he had mistakenly dialled her number. But then she felt nervous and looked back at her past interactions with him.

She didn't come up with anything that  could make him call her out of nowhere like that.

Nonetheless, she picked up the call on second ring.


"What took you so long?"Shreerang went on without hearing her reply."I have been trying to call the landline for a while. No-one picked it up."

"I was listening to music."

"Where is Mai? Why isn't she picking up her phone?"

"I don't know. She and Appa left for his friend's house in the afternoon itself."She shrugged even though he couldn't see her.

"I am going to tell you something really important. Can you keep a secret? It's a matter of life and death."

"Gawd! Are you dying?"She said,a wave panic surging through her body.

"No silly. I am not. I am planning a surprise for Appa. You have to keep them away from coming home before six 'o' clock today."

"How will I do it?"

"Please. It's very important that they aren't home when it's delivered."

"When what is delivered?"

"You will see."He said, his voice oozing excitement.

"What's in it for me?"

"Don't you care about my Mai and Appa."He said a hint of teasing in his voice.

"I do. But I also need your help to do something."

"My help?Did i hear the right words."

"Stop being melodramatic. Remember the rose plant i bought for you. The one you mercilessly rejected, I planted it in a mini pot but it's withering day by day. Can you save it?"

"Offcourse i will."

"Why didn't you remind me of it?"He added.

"I thought you would break the planter on my head if i reminded you of the garden incident again."

"I might do that to you but would never do that to any plant."He said trying to keep a straight face.

"I am really sorry. I was being a real bi*t..."

"Enough. I have meetings to attend to. That's why I can't be there to receive the delivery of Anarkali."

"Wait?What the he....??"

The line went silent after that.

Shrimayi reckoned what was this surprise delivery after all.

The curious cat that she was,her impatience started growing by a minute.

However she had no time to spare.

She had a mission to start.

She searched the locality in which her father-in-law's friend resided.

It was definitely a landmark for some mouth watering delicacies.

She called her father-in-law.

"Appa are you near mandai?"

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