The cryptic message

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Chapter 46

Shreerang was looking for something in his wardrobe when he heard the door to his room being opened.

The usual jingling of bangles made him believe it was his mother.

"Mai I told you not to clean my room. I can't find my pink tie now."He complained without looking at the door.

He kept rummaging through the pile of clothes in his wardrobe as he continued."We are celebrating cancer awareness day at work tomorrow. I need it."

"Here."An unexpected voice said, taking him by surprise.

He closed the wardrobe door with a loud thud since it was blocking him from seeing her.

Was he dreaming, he wondered.

Shrimayi decided to fill in the silence in the room.

"It was under the pile of these books."She said striking a conversation.

"You are back."

His words came out in a whisper as if the high decibels of his voice would make her disappear in thin air.

She nodded while trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall anytime now.

She felt so overwhelmed as her mind took her to all that had happened in the span of last few days.

Her father's legal troubles.

His declining health.

His defeated body language.

She had never felt so useless in her whole life before that day. The constant fear of something bad happening to his health had exhausted her without even realising it.

Shreerang kept looking at her as if she was a fragmentation of his imagination that would vanish in thin air if he even blinked.

It was starting to get a little awkward so he decided to finally speak up.

"How's baba?"He asked wrapping the tie around his hands to keep them busy. If he didn't then they would have reached out to her by now,holding her to his heart where she lived even in her absence.

He immediately regretted his words as his simple question triggered something in his wife and she was now sobbing hysterically.

"Is baba okay?"He asked tossing the tie over his shoulder and stepping closer towards her.

She stopped crying after a while and looked ready to strike a conversation.

He prepared himself to listen to her intently. However she wrapped him in a warm hug instead.

"Thank you. Thank you so so much."She kept saying again and again like some broken record.

He just stood there helplessly at first but then quickly gathered his wits and spoke.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"For saving my Baba. For indirectly saving my life."She said,her hands still holding him closer.

"I didn't do any...."

She quickly pulled away and put an index finger on his lips.

"Shhh. No need of putting up an act. Baba told me everything."She smirked.

"I just contacted my lawyer and he did all the heavy lifting."Shreerang said shrugging off his shoulder as if it wasn't a big deal.

She took hold of his hand. "I know you did more than that. Why did you go so out of your way to help my baba?"

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