The overheard conversation

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Chapter 26

"That's my mattress."

Shrimayi said then paused, trying to think of a reason she was about to give for using it.

"Why do you have it?"

Vasanti's question was followed by a long silence.

"I might be interfering in your personal matter but i wouldn't have if you did something about the problems you are facing in your marriage."

She pinned both of them with a look that conveyed no nonsense.

"There are no problems."Shreerang said quickly. His mother didn't quite looked convinced with it though.

"I kick in my sleep."Shrimayi blurted the first thing that came to her mind.

"So? You should work it out together. Are you planning to have this sleeping arrangement for the rest of your life?"She asked both of them.

The couple didn't have anything to say in response.

"Good. I am taking this mattress to store room then."

Vasanti folded the said object and was about to make her way out.

"But she kicks in her sleep."

He was trying to save the mattress that had proven to be so useful for both of them.

"You used to kick in sleep too when you were a kid. We didn't abandon you,did we?"His mother said a bit angrily then she intended to.

Shreerang only shook his head in response.


After breakfast, Vasanti decided to address her son's careless behaviour from yesterday.

She told him to follow her and he obliged without protest.

"Where were you yesterday?"

"Something urgent came up."He replied trying to not give away any signs of him lying.

But his mother knew him all too well.

Something was definitely off with her son, Vasanti concluded as she looked at him.

It felt like he was hiding something under his casual attitude.

"Are you not telling me the truth Ranga?"

"I already told you the reason.There is nothing else to talk Mai."

"Your wife had a high fever. We tried to reach you many times."

He looked surprised at her revelation for a while but his face was neutral again.

"Something at work needed my attention."

"Your work is more important than your wife's wellbeing?"

He was the one who needed all the support at the time but his wife was yet again sucessful at making things about her. Her tricks always worked on his mother.

"She looks fine to me now."He said tersely.

"She wasn't yesterday. We were so concerned for her. Are you even guilty for the way you behaved?"

He decided he have had enough.

"I should feel guilty? Seriously? Your sunbai is an epitome of perfection right? She wants attention,that's all. I have a business to look after. People depend on me Mai. I can't just leave all that and be at her beck and call."

"Your wife depends on you too. Not just financially but for emotional support as well. Didn't you hear the wedding vows clearly?

Marriage works if you are with your spouse in their better or worse. Since when you became so money obsessed Ranga?

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