The friend from hell

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Chapter 37

Shreerang once saw a docuseries about the modern day hermits. He wondered if he was becoming one.He wasn't isolated from any technology though, only human contact.

To be precise, he was secluded from the only humans he called his family.

From past few weeks,he was spending most of his time at work than home.

He had managed to isolate himself from domestic aspect of his life and was living as if he was a bachelor.

He crashed at Ninad's place most of the nights.

The latter wasn't complaining at all and extended the welcome till Shreerang was willing to stay.

However the Shreerang soon realised, turning one's self into a hermit wasn't easy.

Not when your parents are actively involved in your life like his were.But he successfully managed to continue his seclusion somehow.

His father bought his excuses easily while his mother proved to be a tough nail at first.

She had tried talking to him whenever he showed up home like some rare species of an exotic animal in the open.

His mother used to joke if they would now have to book an appointment to even talk to him. But the smooth talker that he apparently was, he convinced her it was all due to the deadline of a tender he had just won for Narendra Traders.

He had to lie to the woman he loved so much because he was embarassed of his past and everything that it held.

He was never able to totally accept his brokenness even after all these years but now Shrimayi knew about it too.

His subconscious never fell to remind him of how sorry she must be feeling.

It wasn't just some logical voice in his head though.

It did hold out some truth as well.

The day he had that attack, he didn't return home. Shrimayi had called Ninad so many times to enquire about him. His bestfriend was as surprised as him, with her persistence to know about his wellbeing.

Shreerang avoided her at all costs to dodge questions from her. If they ran into each other at home during one of his short stay, he would just turn away or avert his eyes.

He wanted the remaining two months to fly quickly.

Then he would be free again.

There wouldn't be those worried looks she sent his way.

There wouldn't be any attempt of striking up conversation.

There was once a time in his life, where he would have given anything to make her look his way. But all he received now was her pity looks and he didn't want any of it.

He closed his eyes and relieved the embrace they had shared.

The one she claimed to help in comforting him and it did. How he wanted to turn around and hold her tightly then,but he couldn't.

Although, he had claimed her worries to be some sort of a drama, deep down he knew she was hurting.

She blamed herself for what happened that night and that should have brought some sick satisfaction to him but it didn't. For he had noticed how he was the one going through the attack, but she was the one with tears in her eyes. Those tears were laced with sympathy he could tell. Still he wanted to believe there was more to them than that single emotion.

If his lungs had feelings like the human beings, they would have surely hated him in that moment.

Afterall the poor organ was suffering, while his mind was clouded with such thoughts about her instead.

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