The match made in heaven

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Chapter 22

Shrimayi was killing it in the kitchen until she faced her worst fear.

"You are not throwing pebbles in the river Maya. For god's sake be careful with the boiling oil."Her mother reminded her,on the verge of having an anxiety attack.

"You know how i feel about burning myself."

"Just don't be in a hurry. You have to drop it in the oil gracefully."Sumitra said trying to sound as patient as she could.

"I can't. I am scared. You know how i almost burned myself when i was kid."

"Why did you decide to make Puri then?"

"Cause the dinner menu is already so simple and boring. I wanted to make it a bit festive."She said pouting.

"Maya beta you are doing such a great job. Just have patience. It's the last item."Her mother tried encouraging her.

"Okay. I am doing this for Mai."She said giving herself a pep talk.

"You never cooked anything for me."Her mother repeated for the millionth time in span of almost two hours.

"Aai seriously? It's not the right time to be jealous."She said trying to suppress her smile.

Her mother pouted in response.

"I love you more than anyone you know that. But Mai is so kind to me. I really want to make her proud. She has been so supportive of me since day one."

"I understand. I am just being a jealous mother right now that's all. I am sure Vasanti ji would be proud of you and so am I. You have come a long way my dearest daughter. Now quit wasting time and fry all those puris you have made."

And her mother was back.

Shrimayi took a deep breath and dunk the puri in the oil. However it slipped from her hand before she was willing it to. It resulted in oil splashing on her hand.

She let out a cry.

Her mother was incoherent due to her panicked state while the pain from the burn started registering on Shrimayi's mind.

"Beta what happened? Are you alright?"Her father-in-law asked barging inside the kitchen.

"She burned herself."Her mother spoke taking him by surprise.

"Sumitra ji sorry i didn't notice you earlier."

"It's okay."

"Beta go and put your hand under the running tap now."He told Shrimayi.

He turned off the gas stove and disappeared into his room.

"I told you not to throw the puri in oil."Her mother scolded her once her panicked state was over.

"I didn't do it purposely."Shrimayi said feeling offended.

"Patience is all you need beta."

Her father-in-law appeared again with a first aid box in his hand.

"Here let me apply some cream."

"Thank you Appa."She said smiling genuinely at him. The latter applied the thick lotion over the burn carefully.

"Beta I know you are hurt but you need to finish the task at hand."Her mother reminded her.

"Sumitra ji I will do it."Vinay volunteered.

"It's not acceptable."She said hesitating.

"Appa, Aai is right. I can't let you do my work."Shrimayi pressed.

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