The vengeance

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Chapter 25

Shreerang woke up to an unfortunate news from the plant.

He quickly changed into decent clothes he could find. He drove to his office first to talk to his 'Business continuity Plan'(BCP) team. The team then gave the office staff directions of the dos and don'ts if any media person approched them.

Shreerang didn't want to alarm any of his onshore clients with the tantalizing articles on the tabloids.

They tend to blow up any incident out of proportion.

He waited patiently for one of his site manager to give him the latest update on the fire. The latter informed that the fire department was doing their best and there were no casualties so far.

That relieved him a bit.

But what the manager informed next made him more alert than he was before.

"Sir one of the security guards saw Kishor lurking around the plant yesterday. He warned him off immediately but the latter got into a verbal spat with him."

"He left when the guard threatened to call back up."He added.

It was the same man whom Shreerang had sacked just few days ago, due to behavioural issues.

"Do you think he could do it?"

"He did threaten to ruin Naresh Trades."The other man provided.

"I need to go to the plant and see for myself."He said in all seriousness.


"It's ten o clock. Shrimayi still hasn't left her room."Vasanti told her husband.

"Don't be a typical mother-in-law Vasu. Let her sleep more if she wants."He commented, face still hidden by the newspaper he read.

She snatched the paper away.

"I wasn't implying that. I am just worried if everything is okay."

"You worry a lot Vasu."He said grabbing the newspaper. He then got busy in reading about the public transport strike that was to be observed that day.

"Shreerang left for his work early."

"He must have gone for a jog."Her husband suggested.

"His car is missing too."She pointed out.

Her husband only shot her a questioning look.

"I feel something is off between the two of them."She added worriedly.

"Fights and arguments are natural between couples. You are just overthinking."

She sighed heavily."I hope I am."

When Shrimayi didn't show up after 10.30,Vasanti decided to check up on her.

She opened the door and found the bed empty.

She noticed an extra mattress lying next to the bed.

She walked further and found a familiar figure sleeping on it.

Shrimayi was shivering even with the blanket on.

"Why are you sleeping here?"She asked her daughter-in-law, gently waking her up. She gasped when the heat emanating from the latter's body registered on her palm.

She had a raging fever.

She only stirred in her sleep speaking incoherent words when Vasanti tried waking her up again.

"Beta sleep on the bed. C'mon get up."She cajoled her, lightly patting her cheeks.

"Aai I have a fever."She mumbled scrunching her face at the sunlight coming through one of the open window.

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