Chamber of the Damned

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He was dead. That much he was sure of, certain even. He felt light and empty. He lacked not only the pain he'd experienced before he had blacked out, but the life as well. He had to be dead. There was no other explanation for this.

'Hero of Twilight... Welcome,' a soft and wise voice spoke. Link opened his eyes and sat up slowly. He felt detached and tired. The floor beneath him was a cold, thick stone. He'd expected fluffy clouds that were soft as a pillow, but he refused to be disappointed that there was stone instead.

'You have done well, chosen one.' This time the voice that spoke was kind and gentle. It sounded the same as the voice that had spoken to him before, back when he was being dragged through the hallways of Hyrule Castle. Link looked around, trying to figure out where he was and find who was speaking. He stood up slowly, stretching his arms high above his head and trying to escape from the dull fog that circled around his brain. His fingers brushed against water. The ceiling was made of water? He was in the middle of a half circle, the walls and ceiling were made of a delicate water blue. It was a dome of glowing blue water. No one else was in the bubble with him.

"Hello? Who's there?" he asked cautiously, aware of how stupid he felt talking to nothing but also feeling overwhelmed by the pressences of who he was speaking to.

'One might even say you have done the best you can, challenger of evil.' A third voice, this one crackly like a burning campfire and powerfully loud.

"What do you mean? What's going on? Who are you people?" He felt lost. Did everyone have to go through such confusion before they were allowed to officially die? Was this going to be what it was like for the rest of eternity? Was Midna still okay? Did he need to be concerned about her mortal life anymore?

'But you are still needed in the mortal realm, champion of Courage.' What was going on? Why didn't they just leave him alone?

"I don't understand... What is happening? Am I dead?"

'We have decided to send you back to the mortal realm, so that you can complete your task, blue-eyed beast.'

"Can you please explain?"

'Good luck, young Link'

"I'm not that young..."

'Till we meet again, one whose spirit is of a beast.'

"Is this goodbye then? I don't even know who or what you all are."

The voice like a fire spoke in a tongue beyond Link's comprehension. It sounded magical, ancient... But Link could not appreciate it for he was suddenly plagued with a horrible pain that splintered across his skin. He fell to his knees, twitching like he was possessed by a demonic force. He pressed his hands, which were curled into fists, hard into the stone ground, trying to stop whatever this was.

"What's going on!?" He gave one last desperate plea for answers. A painful itch ran across his skin. Everything was wrong, as though he were a prisoner in his own body, a body that was no longer his. He'd felt this way before, probably almost two years ago now...

"No... Please, I need to save her..." His words turned to a loud pain filled howl, as fur burst through his skin and his hands and feet morphed to paws. He fell sideways, a headache consuming his skull which was transforming into that of a canine's. He screamed and howled some more, as his mouth became the gaping maw of a wolf. His teeth became sharp as knives and he bit down painfully, trying to stop his screams and focus. His efforts were in vain though, for when his limbs changed and his muscles rearranged themselves to compensate, he howled and blacked out.

'Was that necessary, Power?' the soft voice inquired.

'Maybe not necessary, but how often is it that I get to have fun with one of Courage's champions directly?' the fiery voice retorted.

'Your rogue torments my champions enough, don't you think?' the kind voice commented.

'I'll admit Power, it seems you might win this game.'

'As you let me think every time.'

'I did not expect this twist. I don't think my scholar has ever been used against Courage's champion like this before.'

'Well, the game is still on. My champion still has a chance,' the kind and gentle voice whispered.

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