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Her plan was simple yet effective. If all went well, her plan would work just as well as any complicated thoroughly thought through plan could. Midna was pretty proud of it, considering the time she'd had to come up with it. She was fairly confident it would work. It had to work. Not working wasn't exactly an option

"So, just to clarify, you want to have Twili warriors guarding the three entrances to Castle Town and to have other Twili warriors making a perimeter around the fields? In an attempt to trap the monster so they can be killed easily?"

"Yes." She nodded. That about summed it up.

"That won't work," Kilm and Link said at the same time. Actually, Link thought and Kilm said.

"We don't have enough warriors to safely split up like that."

'And there's too much ground to cover. If anything went wrong... Well, there would be little chance of reinforcements making it in time.'

"Neither of you are being helpful with your criticism. I don't need the problems pointed out, I need them fixed!" Kilm looked to his bare feet. Maybe he was trying to think or maybe he was ashamed of himself for not being more helpful in the first place.

'The Twili people have no hope of doing this alone, Midna. But that's key, isn't it?' Link's calming blue eyes stared into her own fierce red ones as she tried to figure out what he meant.

"Alone...?" she wondered softly. Did they really have to battle alone? Was there anyone else who would wish to save Hyrule?

"That's it! Link, you're a genius! I could kiss you!" Link was blushing, something that wasn't actually possible with fur, but he wore the pink wonderfully.

"I'm sorry, my Queen, but could you explain?" Poor Kilm. Weak in Twili magic, he'd always made up for it with knowledge. And now Midna was unintentionally leaving him out of the loop. Payback for all the times he'd unintentionally done that to her as a child? Perhaps...

"How do you feel about a diplomatic mission requiring you to meet with the stone folk of the Light Realm?"

"What!? Seriously?! Me!? Diplomatic mission!? Light Realm!?"

"Sure. You are my advisor after all. So for all we know, one of your roles is diplomatic missions." The Twili had never had a reason for someone like that, so why not appoint Kilm for the job?

'No, not the Gorons. It would be more effective if he meets with the Zoras.'

"The Zoras? Why?"

'The Zora tribe have had diplomatic missions of their own. Kilm will be safer with them and be able to get more help in the same amount of time. Trust me.'

"If you say so. Change of plans, Kilm. You'll be meeting with the Zoras instead."

"The legendary water tribe!?"

'Seems like he's okay with it. Good, then we can leave now. He should be safe if he remains in the Zora's throne room.'

"Great. So Kilm, you need to tactfully convince the Zoras to help defend Hyrule."

'Prince Ralis is sure to see reason.'

"Prince Ralis!? He commands the army now?"

'Along with everything else.' Link nodded.

"Who is Prince Ralis?" Kilm asked cluelessly.

"This is incredibly annoying. Link, I'm making you Hylian again." Midna waved her hands, teal loops circled around Link. As she whispered a language lost to the passage of time, Link returned to his Hylian form.

"Prince Ralis is the ruler of the Zoras. Until he comes of age he is assisted by some advisors," Link explained as he rolled his shoulders gently. He folded his arms carefully and fixed Midna with a determined look.

"What?" Midna asked amid Kilm's endless questions.

"You have to stay behind while I bring Kilm to the Zora's Domain."


"Because you have to inform your people of the plan."

"But I already mostly have!"

"Then because there is no reason for you to keep putting yourself in danger."

"I wouldn't be in danger!"

"Yes you would be. Is taking a short break from constantly using your magic really that bad?"

"Yes! I mean..." No, it wasn't bad. But she had the powers of her ancestors inside of her, she didn't require rest like other Twilis would. On the other hand, she was super tired and a nap sounded lovely.

"I'll be back soon," Link said, taking her silence as agreement.

"Fine." She sighed. This would be okay, they didn't need her anyway. The useless queen of twilight, that's what she was.

Link reached his hand out, but stopped short of grabbing her's. Like he was waiting for permission. She set her hand in his and he pulled it to his lips, kissing her fingers gently.

"Just be careful. And don't go out of your way to do something stupid!" She pulled her hand back and walked out of the room, stopping in the doorway to throw a glance over her shoulder. Link was watching her, hand held up awkwardly as if he was frozen in a time moments before.

A young Twili was waiting for Midna in the hallway. Cursel. Her red eyes glared guiltily at the floor, where Con rested at her feet.

"Cursel, long time no see. Were you spying on us?"

"I'm so sorry your majesty, I was just curious about the plans and... And I had wondered what the light dweller you speak so highly of looks like," she mumbled bashfully. Cursel was one of the few Twili who was not changed into a monster by Zant's evil magic, for whatever reason. She'd remained safe during the ordeal by hiding in a pantry, though Midna was certain the girl knew something about the day the Queen had no memory of.

"Next time, just ask to join. Since Kilm is now indisposed, I'll need someone to relay the battle plan to the warriors. Would you do that?"

"Yes Queen." Cursel nodded quickly and hurried away.

"Looks like it's just you and me now, Con." The puppy smiled with excitement.

"But I'm gonna go take a nap, so you should probably follow Cursel," she told him, gently scratching him behind the ears. The dog nodded like it understood and ran after Cursel. Midna turned and sighed. Instead of portaling to her room like she normally would, she walked there like a normal person.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight QueenWhere stories live. Discover now