We Were Born of Nightmares

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Link walked down the streets of Castle Town with Midna hiding safely in his shadow. The light of the midday sun barreled towards them with sweltering heat as though they hadn't ever left the desert. That's why Midna stayed in his shadow, though she hated to on crowded streets like the one they were on. She always got worried that someone would step on her. Obviously people couldn't step on her, but fears don't listen to logic. Neither did the people on the streets, it seemed. It was as though no one noticed the heat or the sunlight torching their skin.

Midna fought back her fear and watched the people as they passed. There was an odd mixture of emotions on the faces she saw. Some were gleefully happy and others looked as if something still threatened their lives.

"Is something wrong?" Link had noticed it too. He asked one of the castle folk whose face lingered with a gloomy expression.

"May the Goddesses have mercy on our souls," was the man's only answer before he walked away.

"That was weird." Midna stepped out of his shadow and stood by Link's side as a hazy version of herself. "What do you think is going on?"

"Something bad..." Link trailed off. When Midna followed his gaze she recognized someone hiding in the packed street in front of them. Someone with gray skin, red eyes and orange hair like her own.

"Zant!?" Link yelled as he pushed through the crowd. Midna followed close behind him, like a shadow. Zant crossed his arms and watched as they struggled to get past the unintentional wall of flesh.

"Zant! Come over here and explain how you're alive this instant!" Midna screamed at him. Zant simply cupped a hand to his ear and shrugged like he couldn't hear what she was saying.

"Zant!" He gave them a little wave before he turned and disappeared in the crowd.

"Why are there so many people out in the streets anyway!?" Midna asked Link, not even trying to mask her anger.

"Do you think Zant did something? Perhaps that's why the people seem a bit off." he replied calmly.

"How should I know!? We'd best be getting to the Princess. Then we can figure all this out. Come on, Link!" Midna hid back in his shadow. It was easier traveling this way. In his shadow she didn't have to worry about her shadow magic wearing off and leaving her to the mercy of the unmerciful sun. They hurried to the castle and from there to the throne room. On the way, they passed no guards and the few people they saw seemed agitated.

The throne room was big and rectangular. It was like a large hallway, wide enough to fit at least twenty people comfortably shoulder to shoulder. When Link had battled Beast Ganon, the throne room had been trashed beyond recognition. The stone columns that bordered the walls had been knocked over like they weighed nothing. Link had actually been under one when it collapsed. The throne had looked like a scene from a nightmare, with blood splattering the carpet and twilight seeping in through the large windows.

The throne room had obviously been cleaned up and it was now back to its former glory. Even though the castle had been unintentionally destroyed by Midna, the throne room hadn't changed much when it was rebuilt. The large hallway still ended in three thrones. Each throne was made of a white stone and embellished with gold. On the center most throne sat Princess Zelda, her head rested on her hands and her eyes were closed.

"Princess Zelda! We've vanquished the Light Spirit Gerudo. The one who was tormenting your kingdom shall torment no more," Midna said, her voice bounding across the quiet room.

"You're back," Something about the offhand, distracted way she said it made it almost sound like she was disappointed by their return. Although she had appeared deep in thought, so she was probably just upset about the interruption.

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