Leave the Light On

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Midna's cape danced behind her as she left the balcony. Link stared after her, his brow knotted in a mix of confusion and pain. What had she meant? He was her light? What did she even mean by that?

He turned around slowly, gazing back at the blue light that rippled through the shadowed yellows. It was beautiful, how the brightened darkness had shone on Midna's hair and glowed on her gray skin. If he was her light, did that make her his darkness? Did that even make sense?

He shook his head, chuckling. How odd it was that this place was like a reflection of the Light Realm. The mirrored version, almost. Its shadow. Yes, that's what it was, simply a shadow of what the Light Realm is. His realm. The one that was in trouble once more, only this time it was not plagued by darkness. It was plagued by light. It was kind of odd how the tables had turned. Now though, if the light seeped into the Twilight Realm, the Twili people would all be killed, not turned into mindless shadow monsters. This was more of a race against time.

"I have to fix this." He'd been foolish when he had attacked the light monster before, ill prepared and idiotic. Over confident and naive. This time he would be prepared. He'd have to be. This time he would have help. Midna would help him, at the very least to save her realm. They would get to have one last adventure together.

The light was fading, changing back into the full darkness it was before the light hour. He'd been out there for some time then. He didn't know how long, only that it felt like an eternity and he still couldn't figure out what had brought him to the Twilight Realm. He was sore and in a lot of pain, that must have been inhibiting his thinking. All he really wanted to do was lie down and close his eyes, perhaps forever. But he couldn't let himself do that! He had a job to do. Besides, Midna was trying to find him a health potion. Once she did, his pain would be gone. He consoled himself with that fact as he wondered what he was going to do.

"I need a plan." He desperately needed a plan. He needed a way back to the Light Realm. Without the mirror, he wasn't sure how he would manage it. Zant had been able to, but only because Ganon had been helping him. Ganon had been able to do it, but he had the triforce of power. What had happened to the triforce now that he was dead? If Link could find it maybe he could use it? Only... If the power triforce was around, it would probably be in the Light Realm. Having the power triforce wouldn't be able to help him at all.

How had he even arrived in the Twilight Realm? Midna seemed confused as he was about it, so it wasn't her. It could have been the light monster, but what would it have to gain by casting Link away. Nothing, not when it could have so easily killed him. It didn't make sense. Someone else must have sent him to the Twilight Realm, someone he hadn't seen. Who would have that sort of power though? How had he not noticed them? That was kinda the problem, of course he wouldn't have noticed them. The light monster had his full attention and when it didn't he had been unconscious. It could have been the Goddesses doing, but why? He would be more usefully in the Light Realm, that was where the danger was. Why would they bring him to the Twilight Realm, where he would be stuck and unable to help anyone? It didn't make sense, so he stopped considering the idea.

The only logical explanation was that someone had brought Link there. It was the only thing that made sense. Yet he had no idea how someone could have done that. Or why they would have.

"Gah! I need a way to lower the possibilities. I need a way to find whoever did this!" He closed his eyes, searching his brain for something, anything, that would help. Perhaps he had seen them... No. Maybe he had heard them... No. Maybe he had missed something! He must have! Why was he in the Twilight Realm!

"People of Twilight, hear me." Her voice traveled to his ears, strong, powerful and commanding.

"Midna?" Link opened his eyes and leaned out on the balcony to see if he could see her. When he looked left, he could. A few floors down and above the grand entrance was a small terrace. Midna stood on it. Hands pressed firmly to the metal railing. All of the Twili stood in the square below her, hanging onto her every word. She was a regal, elegant, strong queen, who wielded the respect of her people.

Yet something was wrong, as Link could tell even from a distance. Although her voice was magnificent and without fault, her body shook, like she was filled with chills, and the way she clutched the rails made it seem like she needed them to stay upright. The longer Midna's speech went on, the more Link could hear a faint quiver in her voice.

When she ended her speech, Link was left staring in awe and concern. He could see her steps and movements falter as she opened the door to go back into the castle. It looked like she was moments away from fainting.

"Midna!" he called out, but his voice wasn't carried far enough for her to hear. Had he been thinking, he would have wondered how he had been able to hear her, but he wasn't thinking, he was racing. Racing (stumbling) to the door. Then he raced (stumbled) out of the pleasant sitting room and into the hallway. Down the hallway. Down the stairs. To Midna's rescue. 

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