The Red Owl

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Hyrule Castle had once been grand. It had been stunning and deserving of a powerful leader. Now, it was eerie and haunted. The shadows that danced across the walls took on vengeful appearances. Midna could picture them coming alive and swarming her with anger. Shadows didn't normally scare her like this, but these shadows were bred from evil and rage.

The blood trail on the floor stood out with startling clarity. It was like the blood was made of a red light. It was easy to follow, even if it filled her with more fear than the shadows did. What if she was too late? What if he was dead? What if there was nothing she could do?

Midna turned a corner with caution, expecting something to attack her. Nothing did. It wasn't like her to get scared at nothing like this. She was the Queen of Twilight! She didn't get scared. She didn't jump at shadows, she commanded them. She didn't flinch at the slightest sound, she matched the sounds with one of her own. She was brave and powerful and strong! She didn't need a hero!

There, something up ahead. A flash of silver in the gloom, illuminated by that glowing blood. A fallen Hylian soldier with shiny armor, the head cut clean off. The soldier's blood was normal, it practically was part of the shadows. Which was what Midna was pretty sure Hylian blood was supposed to look like during the shadow eclipse... So why was the blood trial, made of what she assumed was Link's blood, glowing? Was it magic, leading her into a trap?

She kept walking. Less than moments later, she found a head. It must have belonged to that beheaded soldier. His eyes were wide with fear and frozen in death, his face was still filled with boyish youth. He'd had a life ahead of him. Why did he have to die?

"Why have the monsters chosen now to attack? What do they want with Link? Why did Gerudo choose now to attack?" she wondered softly. She continued walking, avoiding the head and instead focusing on the blood. She felt sick inside and her blood boiled with rage.

Midna recognized the path she walked. If it continued the way it was, it would lead her to the throne room. Or it used to. She hadn't had much time to explore since the castle had been rebuilt from the destruction she and Ganondorf had caused. Was the castle destined to be destroyed by her again tonight?

She passed a few more bodies, but ignored them. She didn't even check for a pulse. They were obviously dead. Few can live after being beheaded... A brief thought asked her to pause and wonder if the princess had met the same fate as her guards. But Midna didn't pause for long and her thoughts inevitably returned to Link.

The next hallway was different. It gave Midna the impression that she was underwater. The ceiling above her was a delicate glass and the light of the shadow eclipse was a wavering blue. She would have found it calming, if there wasn't a sense of urgency and danger in the air. She quickened her pace.

Link. The walls whispered his name. The very air chanted it like a prayer. Link. Link. Link.

"Link... What is happening? This place has changed... What foul power pervades it?" Midna whispered. The sense of urgency increased as the chanting got louder. Midna started running. Her feet slammed against the stone floor. Her breath came shallow and quick. Her heart pounded and screamed. She wasn't sure if she was running to or from something, but she didn't stop till she reached the throne room.

"You look wretched, hero." Midna walked carefully forward, trying to remain out of sight by sticking to the shadows and hiding behind towering pillars. She stopped when she was close enough to see and hear the scene laid out before her.

A few things struck her as being odd. First was the throne. Where once had been three average looking thrones, now was only one large magnificent one that smoked with evil power. In front of the throne was a large copper bowl that floated in midair. A fire roared above the bowl. It was clearly a magical fire and reminded Midna of a beast trapped underwater, fighting its way to the surface. In front of the flaming bowl was Princess Zelda. She had her hands behind her back and was pacing back and forth regally. Her clothes were immaculate, not a single blood stain or spot of dirt. Beside the princess was King Bulblin. He knelt before the princess, a beautiful sword resting on his outstretched hands. The sword was Link's. Midna could tell by the winged blue handle.

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