Jimin x NB Reader

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They sat on the windowsill, staring out at the rainy sky. It soothed them but not enough to rid them of their boredom.

All day they had tried to keep themselves occupied. They played with their stuffies, watched cartoons, drew, played with their imaginary friend, but nothing could replace Dada.

He usually worked from home, but today he was called into the office so poor Y/n was left alone for 6 hours.

The rain started to hit the window hard, they quickly moved away afraid of the glass breaking.

They decided they would take a nap. They laid on Dada's side with their favorite stuffie, sucking on their thumb since the pacis were all the way downstairs.

They slowly fell asleep from the sound and cool of the rain's pitter-patter on the window.

They dreamed of playing with Dada and him holding them.

Jimin just got out of the BigHit building to a shower of rain. He sighed, making his way back inside to change into his dance uniform. He quickly ran to his car, the rain soaking his clothes and hair. He chuckled when he got into the car from how fun he thought it was.

Jimin sent a text to Y/n letting them know he was on his way home.

The traffic was horrible. If Jimin knew how bad it was going to be today he would've just called in sick.

And driving in the rain was making it worse.

He parked at their house and went in, hanging up his coat and slowly taking off his shirt as he walked upstairs.

Jimin cooed when he saw their calm, sleeping form.

He changed into a hoodie and comfortable sweats before pushing their hair off of their forehead to give it a slow, gentle kiss.

The little slowly woke up, whining from the overwhelming feeling of being disturbed from their peaceful slumber.

Soft tears fell down to the pillow.

"Shh..." Jimin wiped off the tears with his thumb. "Dada's here~ it's alright~"

They lightly blushed and slowly sat up to meet Jimin's eye level and smiled.


They squealed, hiding their face with their sweater paws.

"Lets go play hm~?"

Y/n nodded and held his hand, following him to the playroom.

They both played with stuffies, Jimin was the daddy and they were the kid. They played with the toy kitchen and had a yummy meal.


"Yes baby~ spaghetti~"

Y/n smiled wide and pretended to eat it with the stuffie.


"Thank you bunny~" Jimin stroked their head.

They dressed up the stuffies and played some more before calling it a day.

Jimin layed them down with the stuffies they played with and smiled.

"Night night bunny boo~"

Dedicated to KouoLlamaChantv hope you like it!

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