Hoseok x Male Reader

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(Inspired by the video above. Enjoy!)

The rain was softly hitting the windows around your bedroom. You laid peacefully in Hoseok's bed, your favorite stuffie in your arms and a small pool of droll staining the pillow and your cheek as you slowly woke up from the sound of the front door opening.

You lightly hummed in your sleepy state and nuzzled your head into the pillow. "Daddy..", you quietly mumbled.

"Hi angel." Hoseok smiled. The tiredness in his voice was obvious from how quiet and low it was. He sat next to the spot you were lying on and rubbed your back.

"Daddy had a long day. Im glad to be home with my baby boy."

You lightly smiled and tried to keep your eyes open so he wouldn't be upset with you falling asleep, thinking that you were ignoring him.

"Im glad you were able to fall asleep with the rain. I was worried you wouldn't sleep because I wasn't here."

Hoseok got up and walked into the closet at the corner of the room.

He changed his clothes while softly singing to a song he heard on the radio.

"Daddy, what song is that?" You mumbled while in your drowsy state, your eyes still threatening to close.

He walked back to sit next to you. "Shh...shh.." he dug his gentle hand into your locks, slowly moving his fingers in circles.

Your eyes closed at the comforting touch. Hoseok took your blue pacifier on the bedside table and put it in your mouth, your lips closing around it to softly suck on the rubbery plastic.

He got under the covers to pull you into his chest, rubbing your back. You hummed in sleepiness and delight from his calming scent.

"Good night my pretty baby boy. Sweet dreams. Tomorrow you and Daddy can watch cartoons and color all you want."

You and Hoseok immediately fell asleep from the warmth and the sound of the rain. Only soft breaths and little pitter patter of the raindrops could be heard throughout the house.

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