Sope x Male Reader

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Hoseok was surprised at the dead silence that surrounded the house. He expected to her the pitter patter of little feet followed by squealing.

He hung his coat and left his shoes along with his bag at the door.

"M/n? Yoongi? I'm home." No response.

He heard the delightful sound of soft breathing as he approached the hallway. Small whines and soft grunts came from the bedroom. Hoseok followed the sweet sounds to find his lovely boyfriends cuddling on the bed.

He smiled and carefully but quietly took a picture of them. Well, it would've been done carefully if Hoseok didn't have his flash on.

M/n's sensitive eyes stung from the flash and he woke up, white dots blurring his vision, his head aching.

He furiously rubbed his eyes and curled up

Hoseok crouched next to his little boy and caressed his cheek. "Shh...shh...I'm so sorry baby...Daddy's here..."

Yoongi woke up from all the noise and back hugged M/n. "It's okay baby boy...Daddy and Dada are here..."

Hoseok joined them on the bed after he changed into more comfortable clothes.

He played with his little's hair as the small boy mumbled, "Stowy..."

"Want a story bub?"

The sweet boy nodded.    

"Okay. But we need the stowytime bwankie."

Yoongi draped a soft blue blanket with books on it over the three and held M/n close with Hoseok.

"Once upon a time. There was a little, little princie. And he was the most handsomest boy in the land. All the village girls couldn't stop falling for him. But he was saving himself for the perfect group of friends."

M/n gasped and squealed.

"Then one day, while the King and Queen were visiting another kingdom for a few days, a little critter visited the prince's window. It was a little white alpaca with a red bandana around it's neck. His name was RJ. He was very funny and bubbly. And he said the best jokes. They had a fun time and RJ left after the sun set."

Yoongi smiled.

"The next day, a small cookie with arms and legs approached the princie's window. His name was shooky. He was very sleepy and lazy. But the prince enjoyed his company. They ate snacks together all day and shooky left the next morning."

"Sound wike dada!" M/n giggled.

"The next day, a small, funny looking horse climbed onto the window. His name was mang. He had the cutest smile. He made the princie smile wide. They laughed and smiled all day until they both fell asleep."


"The next day, a little koala found the prince in the forest. His name was Koya. He was very wise. He and the prince told each other stories all day until the princie fell asleep under a tree."

"Unca joonie!"

"The next day, a yellow puppy woke the prince up when it was collecting flowers near the trees. His name was Chimmy. He was very sweet. They picked flowers in the meadows all day."


"The next day, a small alien with a heart for a head found the princie in the meadows. His name was TaTa. He was very weird but also funny. They spent the day helping TaTa build a small house out of sticks and rocks."

Yoongi chuckled.

"And the last day, a small pinkie bunny found the prince next to TaTa's house. His name was Cooky. He was very hyper and jumpy. The prince helped Cooky find his friends when Cooky told him that he was lost and it turned out that all of the critters from the past few days were Cooky's friends! They had a big picnic surrounded by Chimmy's flowers at TaTa's house. And the princie never felt happier than that moment. The end."

Hoseok giggled when he heard soft snores next to him and kissed his baby's head.

"Sweet dreams love."

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