Seokjin x Female Reader

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She stood there in front of her mirror. Only in her undergarments to inspect her body.

Y/n took notice of the stretch marks starting to form on her stomach and her stomach popping out. Her thighs sticking together with sweat from the summer heat.

That's what she hated most. Having to stop wearing oversized clothing and wear tank tops and shorts since she knew she wouldn't be able to stand the heat.

'I need to lose weight. Stop eating dinner and snacks when I'm little. That'll help.'

She put her clothes on when she heard footsteps climbing up the stairs. Y/n rushed to her bed and plopped herself down, opening a textbook to a random page.

Her mother opened her bedroom door. "Here's your phone." She gave Y/n her phone back. The poor girl had her phone checked everyday after school.

Her parents didn't want to raise a daughter that might be talking dirty or sending dirty pictures to her boyfriend, Seokjin.

"Thank you." Y/n said. She had her usual headache already even if this was her first interaction with her mother of the day.

"Will you be seeing Seokjin today?"

"I don't know."

"Why not?"

"I just don't know. He might be busy."

"Okay. You know not to ever stay past midnight, right?"

Y/n rolled her eyes. She always did this.

"Yes, Mom. Im not a little kid."

"Im just trying to make sure you're safe!"

Her mother left the room upset.

Y/n sighed and palmed her face. 'When will she stop?"

Her phone ringed. She closed her textbook and unlocked her phone.

Are you busy?

You smiled. Usually when he asked you that it meant he would take you to his apartment.

Im just trying to ignore the fact that I'm here

I'll pick you up in 15 minutes if that's okay

It's okay

And when she turned off her phone her mother walked in again.

"Your history teacher just called. You have a D in his class?!"

"It was a misunderstanding with an assignment and I tried to talk to him about it but-"

"No, Y/n. You can't have a D from just one assignment. Your father and I made it clear that you should be getting As in all of your classes! No less than that. You have 2 days to fix it or no more phone and no more hanging out with Seokjin!"

"Mom it's a hard class!"

"I don't want to hear your excuses! When your brother had that class 2 years ago, he had no problem getting an A. Why can't you be more like him?!"

"Im not him! I'm my own person!"

"Yeah you're a fucking disappointment. That's what you are. Fix the grade Y/n."

Her mother slammed the door as she walked out.

'Dont cry. Don't cry. It'll be okay. It'll all be okay.'

Y/n put away all of the school work she had on her bed and placed her backpack next to her bed.

'I could live with Seokjin when I graduate.'

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