Jungkook x Female Reader

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This is very disorganized. I apologize. It's angst with fluff at the end.

Mentions of:
Drunk Jungkook
Self harm
Insecure thoughts

He was drunk. Again.

You woke up when the door was slammed open at 2 am. You quietly groaned and took your pacifier out of your mouth. "Daddy?"

Jungkook sluggishly walked into the room, turning on the light. You frowned at the sight of him. It was the 4th time this week.


He glared at you. "Guess who got fired from his job."

You gasped. "No! M sorry daddy!"

He shook his head. "I'll just find another job somehow. Or maybe..you could work for a while Y/n."

You whimpered. This wasn't your daddy. He knew why you couldn't work. You still had to finish school which was time consuming enough.

Jungkook took a look at you, up and down. He noticed the pacifier in your hand, stuffie lying next to you, pastel blanket in your lap.

"It's time to grow up, Y/n."

This shocked you. 'He doesn't mean it. He'll be better in the morning.'

You put away your little things to not upset him anymore and went back to sleep next to Jungkook. He didn't hold you like usual.

The next morning Jungkook hadn't changed like you predicted. He shoved a newspaper in front of you the moment you entered the kitchen.

"Look for a job. One that pays well."

You gulped and nodded.

He sat down on the table after that, demanding breakfast. You made something simple and quick.

He ate the food and frowned from it. "You couldn't have done better, Y/n?"

You looked at the floor in shame. A small, "im sorry," escaping your lips.

You cleaned the kitchen and left to the bedroom, inspecting the newspaper. There was a Cafe, factory, and mechanic job available.

You called the number of the Cafe on your phone and asked to apply for the job. They gave you all the information and the time of your interview.

You ended the call and smiled.

The warm feeling in your stomach appeared after a few minutes. You curled up on the bed with a blankie and pacifier to take a quick nap.

You were awoken 30 minutes later by the door slamming you jumped up to see Jungkook enraged. He was always known to have a short temper.

"What did I tell you last night?!"

"To grow up.." you pulled the pacifier out of your mouth again and put your little stuff away. Your hair was pulled to look at him. You yelped and winced from the pain.

"The next time I see you like this..it won't be good. Got that?!"

You nodded in fear.

Jungkook smiled and let go.

You spent the rest of the day in bed working on school.

The next day the apartment was empty. You smiled and started to clean since it was Saturday and those were cleaning days.

You worked on school, finishing the last of the assignments for the week.

It was 6 pm and Jungkook still wasn't home so you cooked some dinner for yourself, leaving a portion for Jungkook in case he came back hungry.

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