Jungkook x Female Reader + Male Reader

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She groaned when she looked at the dinner chart on the fridge. Y/n was supposed to cook that night.

"Can we switch for this week?" She asked M/n who was playing games on his switch in the living room.

"Nope. Sorry."

"Please! At least help me a bit! I'm tired!" Y/n whined.

"No! I'm playing a very important race at Mariokart right now! I just got 1st place in the last 3 races and now I need to get 1st place in this one so I can get all the stars!" M/n explained.

Y/n didn't understand most of what he said and just sulked while she took out a bag from the freezer. "Will you be okay with chicken nuggets and macaroni?"

M/n nodded his head. "Yeah.."

Y/n opened the bag and put 30 nuggets into the air fryer. She then opened the pantry to get a box of macaroni and cheese.

'Kookie will probably be upset but it was a really long day...hopefully not too upset.'

She got out a small pot and filled it with water, turning on the stove. She heard quiet babbles from the room in front of her and smiled at M/n now on the floor playing with some blocks.

'He must have slipped. I hope Kookie gets back soon.'

She stood there waiting for the water to boil. It was taking forever.

"Mama." She heard a small mumble to the right of her. She turned her head to see little M/n walking towards her.

"Hey bubs. What's up?" She asked as M/n hugged her, nuzzling his face into her neck.


"Aww. I know you're hungry baby. It'll only take 10 more minutes okay?"

He whined and stomped his feet. "Buts m hungy now!"

"Don't yell baby boy. Go sit down."

M/n groaned and walked over to sit back down, huffing and puffing.

She smiled at how cute he looked and shook her head.

Once the water was boiling she poured in the pasta. She looked at the air fryer to see the nuggets were halfway done.

Y/n stirred the pasta every few minutes to avoid any sticking and rubbed her eyes from how tired she was.

Her partner at work quit because of the treatment they got from their coworkers, so she had to do twice the work as usual and on top of that, her boss kept saying degrading things about her while she was messing up.

She worked in a small manufacturing company, so she had to work an assembly line. Doing both hers and her partners job wasn't fun.

As she daydreamed she didn't pay attention to how roughly she was stirring. Some water splashed out of the pot and onto her stirring arm.

She yelled and whinced in pain, turning the sink on right next to her and running cold water over the burn.

"Mama! 'Ou otay?" M/n yelled while running into the kitchen.

"Dont run baby! Can you go stir the pasta please?"

M/n lightly ran to the pot despite what Y/n said, slipping on the spilt water.

He hit his head on the floor and started to cry.

She quickly turned off the water and helped him to stand up. He cupped his head with his hand and loudly cried, triggering Y/n.

She wanted to cry, hit something, scratch herself, anything to help with the pain she started to feel in her head and ears.

She sat M/n down on the couch and walked to the fridge to get an ice pack. She brought it to him and pressed it against his head.

Little Reader x BTS OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now