Vkook x Female Reader

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It was a cold, winter night. Snow was covering the ground like a blankie. And you were freezing your bum off.

You tried to light a small fire in the living room but daddy nor dada had shown you and they were away with their friends.

You were still hurt from the fact that they left without you. It felt like they were ashamed of you.

You curled up on the cold leather couch, trying to warm up while you wore dada's shirt and daddy's fluffy socks.

The blankies were in the washer since daddy accidentally spilled juice on them.

You wanted your daddies. You wanted their warmth. Their touch. Their love.

Tears streamed down your face. You held onto one of the cold couch pillows.

You heard the muffled sound of keys jangling from the front door and trembled when it was open, letting the cold air inside. Daddy and dada were laughing and bags were put on the counter.

"Y/N?" Dada said. You didn't respond. Just sobbed more into the pillow.

"Princess?" Daddy worringly said as he rushed up the stairs, dada following him.

You sniffled and walked to the cold kitchen to wipe your face.

Daddy and dada raced down the stairs once they saw you and looked at you with concern.

"Why aren't you wearing pants baby?" Dada said as he picked you up, his welcoming warmth making you weak.

Daddy hugged you from behind and let his warmth cover you as well.

"Wh-Why daddy a-an dada d-do dis?..m a buw-buwden..." You shivered in between them

They kissed your head. "Shh...you're not a burden angel...me and daddy will always love you and will never get tired of you...right Tae?"

Daddy nodded his head and they carried you to your shared bedroom

Dada dressed you up in warm jammie pants and undressed himself along with daddy.

They layed themselves at your sides and held you in between them.

You delightfully hummed at their warmth and sucked on your favorite blue paci.

"We're sorry we didn't take you hun...there was a bunch of biggie stuff going on over there and we didn't want anything happening to you. If it was a normal get-together we would have brought you with all your little gear~ and then you could be as wittle as you want~

You smiled wide at that and snuggled closer to them.

"Close the door now~" Dada started to sing.

"When I'm with you I'm in utopia~" Daddy sang with him.

Your eyes started to become heavy and you could feel yourself relax as their warmth and love made you feel safe.

Daddy and dada kissed your head. "Night night darling."

This one is dedicated to my little angel~ Hope you like it

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