Vkook x Female Reader PT. 2

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Jungkook and Y/n giddly jumped and squealed as they ran inside the store, dragging Taehyung behind them. He giggled and helped them into the shopping cart.

"Only 2 of each thing okay~?"

They both nodded as Taehyung headed for the paci aisle. Pink, yellow, green, blue, purple, red, white, black, and grey pacifiers could be seen through the vibrant area.

Y/n squealed at a pink princess paci and pointed at it.

Taehyung smiled and placed it in the basket with a blue bear paci for Jungkook.

Their second choice ended up being a purple fairy paci and a blue bunny paci.

Taehyung drove the cart to where the stuffies were, making silly noises of "Zoom!" and "Vroooooooom!". The littles giggled and squealed from his actions.

Taehyung strolled through the massive varieties of stuffed animals, letting the littles have a good look at them.

Y/n got a white unicorn and pink whale from the girls section that was on the left. Jungkook couldn't decide which two he should get. They were all too lovely! Taehyung helped him decide on getting a blue frog and a red bunny.

Y/n and Jungkook tightly held their stuffies as Taehyung went to where the blankets were.

Y/n drooled at how comfy they all looked. She got a pink one with a bears and bottles pattern on it. Taehyung made the decision for her other blanket so it would have greater meaning to her being that her caregiver chose it for her. He gave Y/n a turquoise one that had a unicorn and sippy cups pattern.

Jungkook didn't love blankets as much as Y/n since sometimes his body was simply too big for them to provide him any comfort. And the bigger blankets were too expensive. Taehyung knew this well, so he got him two of the same blue blankets with a bunny and bear pattern.

"We can sew it up when we get home so it can fit you perfect!"

Jungkook beamed at the thought. Finally!

Both littles happily hummed as Taehyung payed for the 12 little items they got today.

Y/n along with Jungkook helped Taehyung put the bags in the car.

Taehyung put them into their seat belts and drove off once everyone was safely buckled in.

Y/n and Jungkook wore off their energy from their excitement so both of them fell asleep in minutes.

Taehyung turned the radio down once he noticed this. He cooed as they softly snored and drooled away.

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