Namjoon x Female Reader

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I woke up next to Joonie. He was very warm and snuggly. I curled up next to him to get more warmth throughout my body. Even on my lower body. It was nice.


My lower body?

I pulled the blankies off to see there was a stain on the sheets.

I was so embarrassed. I sniffled and hurried out of the bed to try and clean it while Joonie was asleep so he wouldn't be mad. The stain wasn't coming off.

I took off my undies and put them in the washer along with my wet shorts.

I was rushing around the house to look for anything that I could use to clean it.

When I came back to the bedroom he was already awake and observing the spot that I failed to hide. I hung my head in shame.

Joonie ushered me over to him but I shook my head, too scared that he would get mad.

I felt myself slipping.

He put the sheets in the washer and quickly cleaned the mattress with some wipes.

I curled up so he couldn't see me.

If I can't see dada den dada cants see me.

I sensed him in front of me.

I curled up mowe, the feeling of little space becoming more stronger than ever.

I sucked on my tumb.

Dada took me into his arms and caressed me.

"'re not in trouble hun..."

I calm down at his wowds an snuggled weally cwose.

I didn wanna talk. My vocal chords escaped my throat.

Dada noticed and took me to the changing station we had. Dada alway say that ish foh just in case.

He gave me my lamb stuffie to pway with as a distraction while he put a diapie on me.

I happily kicked my wegs from the warmth of it.

Dada cooed. He also put a bwue koya onesie on me as well as a big bow on mah hair!

I squealed.

He put me on the fwoor on my feet but I stumbled onto my knees.

My wegs were too weak.

"I see someone's in baby space wight now~"

Dada said. I giggled as he put a paci in my mouf and took us to the living woom.

He put on My Little Pony on da TV and pwaced me in da pway pen.

I cwawled to the bwocks and started building while Dada prepared a baba for me.

I squealed and giggled wots fwom da show and building.

Dada came back with the baba. I made gwabby hands at it. He layed me on his wap and took the paci out of my mouf to put the baba in my mouf.

He squeezed the milkie out as I sucked on the nub.

I happily sucked on it and kicked my wegs.

Today was gonna be a good day!

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