Seokjin x Male Reader

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It was late in the afternoon and you were napping on the couch, your favorite white blankie wrapped around your body, the warmth soothing you from your separation anxiety.

You were always scared to walk around the house without Seokjin there. It was because of your paranoia and the things you saw.

And your bladder decided to bug you right now.

Your legs shook and squirmed from the aching urge to pee.

You really regretted not asking for Seokjin's help with putting on a nappy this morning.

Seokjin had just told you that he was on his way home, but you didn't know if he was gonna make it in time.

It was torturing. You wanted to go to the bathroom, but you knew that it would be too scary.

But your bladder won the argument.

You quickly hopped off the couch and ran towards the bathroom, stopping at the middle of the hall when you heard something hit the front door.

You stayed there, frozen in your tracks and scared for your life.

You quickly looked at your surroundings and slowly backed up towards the bathroom, checking the windows next to the front door every few seconds.

And when you finally reached the bathroom and closed the door, you nearly fell to the floor, crying.


You crawled to the toilet and pulled yourself up, sitting your bum on the cold, hard plastic.

Tears lightly stained the light blue bath mat that was underneath your legs.

You relieved yourself into the toilet and sat there, not wanting to move from your spot.

Unfortunately, you were still sobbing, wanting Jin there to comfort you. He came home 20 minutes later and ran to the bathroom when he heard your sobs.

He opened the door you forgot to lock and kneeled in front of you.

"D-Da-..." You couldn't speak. Your breathing was too rapid and you were trying not to choke on your sobs.

He cupped your cheeks and rubbed the soft skin with his thumbs.

"Shh...Dada's here...There's nothing here to hurt you...Breathe..."

You slowly inhaled and exhaled with him, your shaking body calming in the process.

"Good boy. Tell Dada what happened baby."

"W-Wah goin to bath b-buh heawd w-woud n-n-noise a-ah d-doow a-an g-g-goh sc-scawed..."

Seokjin helped you off the toilet and wash your hands before holding you on his lap on the couch.

He rubbed your back and whispered sweet nothings in your ear.

"How are you feeling Li/N (Little Name)?"

You happily hummed as a response.

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