Yoonmin x Female Reader

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You were laying on the bed, blankets wrapped around you, lavender paci in your mouth, Jimin's soft voice ringing through your ear buds.

They had told you to stay in bed. Yoongi's excuse was that it would be too cold for you downstairs. But you didn't care. The roaring thunder outside was worse than being cold.

Thankfully, Papa's voice helped a bit, but you still wanted them to comfort you.

You listened to the heavy rain that bruised the large sliding glass door that led to the balcony with its strength.

Thunder could be heard again, but this time it was more distant. You smiled at that and snuggled into the blankies.

A song from Bubba played into your ear buds. His voice was always so harsh and rasp, but in this song it was sad and gentle. You liked that.

You squealed when you saw a long, zigzaggy string of lightning, followed by a loud crackle of thunder.

You screamed and hid in the blankies, trying you're best not to cry.

You barely succeeded at keeping yourself composed and lifted your head to see that there was no more rain on the door. However, the sound of it pounding the glass could be well heard.

You looked around the room and saw the dark, terrifying atmosphere.

There was a blackout.

You screamed, being nearly terrified to death from the situation.

You wanted your bubba and papa.

So, you cautiously left your spot on the bed and tried to feel your way downstairs.

"B-Bubba?.." You whimpered. No response.

The stairs were difficult to go down on. You had to feel where the step was and wasn't and you didn't even know if your foot was going to land there.

You sighed in relief once you reached the last step before slipping on it, falling back on the steps.

You could tell that there wasn't any real damage to your back, but god did it hurt like hell.

You loudly sobbed, lying there lifelessly.

"B-B-Bu-ub-uba! Pa-a-apa!" You wailed.

Bubba ran to you, almost slipping in the process and gasped when he saw how you were.

"Are you okay love?" He softly said as he carefully pulled you into his arms and walked into his studio where papa was.

He laid you on a small couch in the room and caressed your sides while whispering soft nothings.

"Shh...shh...it's okay..."

The room was dimly lit by candles. Their scent was relaxing. You stopped crying after a while, only hiccups escaping from you.

Papa giggled and pulled you onto his lap.

"How are you feeling angel?"

You blushed at the name and smiled. "Bettew papa."

He kisses your paci and your cheeks.

"How much does it hurt from 1 to 10?" Bubba asked.

You held up 3 fingers and Yoongi smiled at Papa.

They kissed your head. "One."

Your cheeks. "Two."

And your ears. "Three."

You happily squealed at their actions and bounced on Papa's lap.

"Wanna know why you had to stay up there bub? Bubba was helping me make a special song for you~ wanna hear it~?"

You nodded and Jimin played a song on his computer and the soft sound of guitar music played through the room. You layed your head on Papa's shoulder and he swayed in the chair as the soft sound of his voice rang in your ears.

"I want you to be your light babe~ you should be your light~"

You hummed along with the song and your caregivers cooed at that, caressing and rubbing you in all your favorite spots.

As the song kept playing your head and eyes felt heavier.

You tried to keep them open, but Papa's singing lulled you to sleep.

Little Reader x BTS OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz