Chapter One- Page 1

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The rarity of an angel.

Early evening, a rather prevalent and high-class event at a small New York venue took place. As the ball's social life was in full swing; a young teen girl who looking rather worst for wear, soaked head to toe, caused by the torrential rainfall in full force walked in. Dragging in with her the scent of crisp fresh rain, as the gold plated metal door smoothly closed behind her. Now everyone in the lobby, most predominantly the hotel staff. Who were dressed into the hotel colours, like they were pieces of furniture; gazed upon her from the end of their noses. The young teens looked at them, directly noticing the welcome of disdain she was all to familiar with; like she was some sort of grotesque beast, and all beamed from each of the lobby staff's expressions. The girl, although at the moment drenched, had the face of an angel. Beautiful wavy long brunette hair, which passed her hips; and captivating crystal blue eyes that would make any man weak. Despite the appeal of her own appearance, the teen no taller than five foot three inches; walked over to the front desk in nothing but a leather jacket and shorts that seemed oversized on her. 

Looking down, the teen didn't even have shoes. Finally, a retuned, bald male receptionist spoke still with the same horrified expression. "Hello, madam. I am sorry we don't have a phone in this building?" The man at the desk responded with a new scrunched up face. Hoping to deal with the situation quickly. With the attitude and the raising of an eyebrow, she looked up at him with a sarcasm in her eye as she smiled. Proceeding to put down her soaked new paper on the desk with force and sighed. "Look, I just need a room for a night; I arrived in the US only an Hour ago. Also if you can't tell, I have already had a rough time!" The girl exclaimed as she delved into her jacket pocket and pulled out a card. When the receptionist read the name scribbled on the card; his eyebrows were written in shock, quickly darting back to the beautiful teen. Before saying in a more acceptable tone. "Very well, Miss, you are on first-floor room three." He smiled, now embarrassed by his greeting to the teen himself, and gave her a key.

The teen then slinked around the corner and up the stairs out of everyone's sight, the hotel was decorated with hints of whites, golds and reds, as the girl ran her hand across the white walls; the pallet of colour making the experience seem ostentatious. Which the girl seemed to scoff at, as if she had never seen such beauty. Once the teen had arrived, in her allocated room on the first floor. The girl finally took a deep breath, she then strolled around the room and took a moment to look around. As she walked around  the girl subtly locked every door and window leading to outside; before sitting and flopping back on the bed in exhaustion. Before she could relax, a small pendant necklace began to glow gold. The girl then rolled her eyes, picking it up and holding it in her hand as it stopped glowing, she spoke.

"Well, I am here now, so what is my purpose this time?" She spoke still relatively damp from the awful weather. The girl seemed to use the necklace as if she was on the phone. "Kid, you are not supposed to be there, it's the earth you know the fall out of this. You may be a Knight of God, but you are not safe, especially you!" Responded the gravely stern voice on the other end. "I know Daniel. I know but it wasn't me that portaled me, I woke up in an alleyway, with nothing; I have clearly been put here for something?" The girl questioned with understanding and minimal excitement detected in her voice, knowing a mysterious game was afoot. Continuing to listen to the voice on the phone. "Look, Aylin, you need to be careful; Whatever is asks of you, I want you to be safe and clever about it?" Daniel insisted as Aylin smirked and listened to his advice. "Thank you, they also keep trying to make me use my other being name her. But I told them that most use my given." She rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face as something appeared on a card in front of her. "Oh and look, I have been given a location. See you, later!" 

Aylin continued put the necklace back around her neck, thinking to herself. Now casting an eye towards the wardrobe. After some careful consideration, Aylin chose herself an outfit and cleaned up. Proceeding to walked back out of the room, prance down the stairs. Giving her long, wavy, brunette hair one last ruffle; and proceeding to walked past the reception into the night once more, this time wearing a hooded leather jacket. Aylin then walked the streets, taking most of her night, but finally, there it stood. As rain lashed against her harshly, now three blocks out stood a large empyreal building, to Aylin it felt more like home.

To the average human, the place looked like an office building that had no chance of redemption or satisfactory quality. What Aylin could see was something so magnificent, words fail to describe it, the building had a gothic feel to it with black aesthetics and lager stone walls, with a heavily gated exterior. Aylin saw an establishment so mysterious that she had only heard in bedtime stories, finally Aylin took herself to the large entrance gates. Which was decorated with angels, faces she knew all too well; by name none the less. 

At the gates, she was greeted by overly muscular guards, who to most would seem intimidating and unwelcoming. But to Aylin she simply sauntered over, as the two with harsh husky voices, requested Aylin to state her business. Unfazed by these men and they're asthenic, Aylin proceeded to do so. "I am Maya Kingstone; I am here to see this person?" Aylin requested using her other world name, showing a piece of paper up against the iron of the gates; continuing to look at the guards simultaneously. Aylin's expression now serious, knowing precisely what she was getting herself into.

The guards then looked at her with wide eyes. "What have you never seen someone like me?" Aylin questioned, folding her arms in frustration as the rain continued to beat down on her relentlessly. The guards immediately let her walk through the gates. Aylin was then guided by one of them; walked on a marked out path, with ancient writings written poetically. Aylin could read this scripture, and did so as she walked into the hallway of the establishment. It was now that she was in the belly of the beast, she knew she had to use Maya and was no longer Aylin in these people's eyes. As she stood there feeling vulnerable emotions she hadn't felt in years, here senses going wild as her view over powered by her new soundings. As Aylin could see the place working first-hand.

They worked with high tech and old skills; everyone seemed to work quickly and efficiently and swarmed with people like a beehive. It was full of ancient structures and modern facilities, with modern underlighting in areas; intricate stained glass windows to keep the theme obscure and told the stories of this race. For a brief moment, time seemed to lapse for Aylin, nostalgia hung in the air like a warm blanket. But just as quickly, Aylin was abruptly confronted with the person she had come to see. The Chairmen of this place, as he grabbed her forearm, Aylin looked over to her right where  the chairmen stood; donned a rather expensive suit, excluding the tie, and had very greased, slick black hair. To Aylin, it caused confusion and slightly caught her off-guard. "Aylin, it is my honour to see you again." Bellowed this rather tall and slim man, looking down at Aylin's Petite stature. As they both began to walk and talk. "Ah, Galileo; you obviously were expecting me?" Aylin sighed realising he knew her correct name, responding to her question  with calm look, accompanied with a smirked Galileo nodded. 

He continued to share the same expression as he guided Aylin to his office. Once she arrived and the mahogany door swung open it reviled a woman, stood her expression quickly shifted when she noticed Aylin, It was as if the woman had seen a ghost, she also seemed like a stern woman, almost to be mistaken as cold and unsettling. Ah the door began to shut her face shifted, now wearing a rather animated pout on her face; dressed in a black pencil skirt and blood red top, with black slicked back hair. In those moments Aylin knew she was either in a dangerous situation, or was being greeted with grace. Galileo then came back into view, braking her contact with the encapsulating and intense stair of the stone wall woman. Galileo then slid into his chair with a suspicious smile, elegantly crossed his right leg, and pondered at Aylin for a few seconds. Aylin watched his every move with a precise stair. At  every move, every lip quiver, every look at the woman, knowing what her response should be if he made the wrong advance. It took minuets for either party to even talk and begin conversing. Aylin sat there elegantly but with purpose, knowing this meeting was hanging in the balance already. 

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