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"So, Daniel, what can I do for you exactly?" Aylin questioned, walking with him as she put her hands in her pockets, feeling relaxed in his presence. Daniel then looked at him with his blue eyes, they looked troubled, and Aylin could feel he was carrying tension. "God has asked me to come and talk to you personally." He began with a complex tone of voice, as he then looked at Aylin. "What does he want?"

"He wants you to rule all living beings?"

"What?" Aylin looked at him with complete shock.

"Baze has gone missing, we sent the knights to track him, but while he is missing from hell, this allows God to appoint someone. You will not be a demon, and so the order will remain, Kaine is taking over Baze's role. But he wants you to rule Aylin?" He spoke in dulcet tones, stopping in his tracks to make his point clear. Aylin paused in deep thought, considering all of her options, she liked the fact she would have the title of Queen, but she hated the impact it could have on the people she cared about. But soon enough, she came to a conclusion. "I will agree to the terms as long as I can be with my friends and siblings?" Aylin clarified, looking at Daniel with a rugged look, folding her arms and sitting in her hip, waiting for a reply. "We agree to those terms Aylin, you will live on middle earth and will be known by many things. "We can now proceed to the formality of swearing you in?" Daniel spoke, holding the book of all royalties and nobility's in his hand. "I would like to do this in front of my family. Please, I will not be queened in private." Aylin demanded as the sound of magic rang when Aylin clicked her fingers, bringing them back into the living room of the cave.

"Aylin, what the hell is happening?" Cassian exclaimed, seeing her suddenly appear in front of him, her chest centimeters away from his. Aylin then grew a smile before looking up into the direction of his eyes and chuckling, continuing to move out of Cassian's way. "Why has he got that book thing, May?" Soren questioned, more concerned with Daniel being back in the cave. Aylin looked at everyone, now standing beside Daniel, with excitement flurrying around her body. "I am being sworn in as Queen of all living beings. I just need your opinions on this before I completely accept?" Silence cast a shadow over the group for a few seconds.

"Wow, Aylin, this is a lot to take in, honey!" Exclaimed Cassian stepping forwards a little with a shocked expression. "I think you should totally do it, Aylin," Ellaria spoke up.

"Yeah, we would be Princes, and Ellaria would be a Princess," Archer added, looking pleased with that moment in time. "But it's not just that Arch if I take the job, I have to become queen to all and make huge decisions?"

"And I don't want to do it and take away who you all are as people; I want you to all really think how it would change your life?" Aylin spoke, trying to make them understand the gravity of the situation. Cassian then walked up to her and gave her the biggest hug; Aylin knew this was his way of agreeing. "Thank you Cassian, I needed to know you were ok with this," Aylin spoke softly, then looking at Daniel and walking over to place her hand on the book. "Ok, Aylin, repeat after me," Daniel said firmly as a gust of wind swirled around Daniel's and Aylin's hands, covering the book in sand a day-brae. "I, Aylin Kingstone, take the role of the queen!" Daniel Bellowed strongly as the wind picked up. "I Aylin Kingstone take a roll of the queen."

"I will rule with a clear mind and good heart, and Rule over all beings with a sure mind," Daniel yelled once more, and Aylin echoed the words back. "I now pronounce you queen of all beings, Human and other!" He shouted again, as then the wind died down and left Aylin stood with a new mark on her wrist. It was the symbol of her reign she was officially the Queen of Beings; Daniel then bowed his head to her. He then gave her the name of the place her castle lived, and before she got to say goodbye, Daniel was nowhere to be seen. Aylin looked at the group and, with a cheeky smile, raised an eyebrow. "So who wants to find a castle?" Aylin spoke, jumping up and down and running around the room, like a child that had too much candy. Benedict then looked at the paper and made the portal to the place.

But as they all began walking in, something happened with Benedict's magic. Suddenly, Aylin and Cassian were stuck in the cave; Tobi, Soren, Ellaria, and Connor got thrown into what seemed a forest and leaving Archer, Benedict the only two to arrive at the castle. "What the hell just happened, Benedict?" Archer questioned, looking all around him, to see nothing but dark moss-covered stone, confirming they were in the castle walls. Benedict just stood there looking flabbergasted at his hand, testing little magic; he was one of the most powerful magicians in the land. "I don't know!" He exclaimed, sending a scribbler to Aylin.

Back at the cave, Aylin got knocked out by the force of the magic blocking them. "Aylin, are you ok, Aylin wake up!" Cassian asked, shaking her, as she lay limp and lifeless until one cough later she looked up at him. "Ouch!" Aylin grumbled, holding her head; Cassian, still crouched down beside her, had her head, checking it over, making sure she was ok. "Seriously, three minutes after you become a queen, and you decide to knock yourself out!" Cassian exclaimed as he laughed with Aylin. "Wait, blood, are you bleeding?" Cassian panicked as he took his hand away, seeing the blood. "Yeah, probably?" Aylin responded with little to no panic in her voice as she got up and sighed, now seeing the blood on her hand. "Well, it's defiantly me bleeding?" She sighed, walking over to the tap and washing her hand.

Meanwhile, Cassian was more concerned to see where it was on her head. Combing through her hair, trying to find it, then grabbing a tea towel to hold against it. "Ouch!" Aylin exclaimed again, putting her hand over Cassian's, "I may be able to survive stab wounds, but that doesn't mean I don't feel pain!" She squinted in pain, scrunching her face in an unattractive manner. 

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