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"Well, I am Rafe, and these are my friends Isaac, Atlas, Maribelle, and Hemera," Rafe explained to Aylin as she shook hands with each of them. "You are good kids; I am happy we have you in the pack." Aylin smiled proudly, then let them go and have a good night. After all, it was the celebration of a good week. Aylin continued to talk to Tobi and Connor for a while, but then the pair began to catch up together. Aylin then took it as her queue to travel back to the hotel she had booked a room in. She then stumbled out of the pack house, rather worst for wear, and made her way back out of the alley.

Holding a beer in her hand, when out of the dark, Connor shouted from behind her. "Oi, May, you need a place to stay for a while!" In a raspy voice, trying to grab her attention. Aylin simply sighed, rolling her eyes and pausing as he turned around. "Do you have somewhere I can stay, Connor!" She yelled in response, giggling a little with her hand on her hip. When she looked back, she could see Connor smiling and lit by the lamp. he then looked a the door with a smirk and then back in Aylin's direction. "How about my apartment?" He said naturally as Aylin now stood under him as he stood on the step, staring at him with her big glowing gold eyes and fierce look in her eyes. "I will take the sofa." Aylin sighed, pocking his chest with her index finger, pushing him off balance slightly with a grin. Connor then engaged in the same look mocking her. Walking back into the party, grabbed his coat and walked with Aylin back to his apartment, both giggling and conversed like they hadn't been apart, Connor's apartment was not even a block away. But intoxicated, it still took some time for the pair to arrive.

When Aylin arrived at the apartment, it was nothing like she expects. There was no doubt it was a bachelor pad. But it was dark with minimal lighting as if a wolf had become human and had no idea of how to organise. "Wow, what a place you have, Connor?" Aylin scoffed sarcastically as she balanced a pair of boxers on her finger, causing Aylin's to raise an eyebrow. Connor then grumbled, quickly snatching them out of her hand. "Do you maybe want a drink or something to eat, May?" He questioned, still picking up things around his house as he went. "Oh, I think I have had enough to drink tonight. I think I will just borrow a blanket and sleep on the sofa." Aylin smirked as Connor sighed, putting his hand through his thick short hair and then walking to another room. When he returned, he could see Aylin looking at the small gold necklace wrapped around her neck. As she sat at the kitchen counter. "You not just on holiday, are you? What's the cause this time?" Connor questioned, knowing that a White Knight would not be here with no purpose. Aylin looked at him with lost eyes searching for something.

Moments passed, and Aylin softly said. "I met them, Connor." He looked at her, unsure of what she was talking about. "Who, Maya, who did you meet?" He paused, passing her over a blanket and some clothes. Aylin paused, unsure what to say as her eyes looked watery, but she quickly fought them away. "My brothers, and sister, they are all grown up. The boys are seventeen, she is sixteen. They look like them, and to think I have lived a thousand lives and them only one." Aylin spoke, her lip quivering, as a single tear fell from her face, unable to hide her true feelings for the first time in her life. Connor now embracing her in his arms. "Hey, Maya, you are here now, and you are safe from the world. Plus, you always wanted to meet them." Connor whispered, stroking her hair once again.

Knowing it was the only way to soothe the teen; Aylin then looked up at him with sorrow filled eyes as the moonlight brushed her skin and made her hair tint with silver. Connor proceeded to move closer to her lips; Aylin took one lean intoxicated Connor's emotions, then in a split second, Aylin pushed away. "No, Connor, we can't do this again; I have to leave again soon!" Aylin exclaimed, now in the middle of the apartment living room and placing the blanket on the sofa. Changing into the clothes Connor had lent her. Only pausing for a second to think about her next move, "G- good night Connor, thank you for lending me your sofa." Aylin stuttered Connor looking at her with his yellow eyes not dissimilar from her own, then turning around and walking the other way to his room, not speaking another word.

That night both lay in bed, unable to sleep and unable to move. For very different reasons, Aylin thought that her siblings were out there, knowing what her survival rate was on the earth and who she was. The very thing she had always wanted, a family, seemed out of reach. But now she knew she had met them; it caused Aylin to fear for their safety. Aylin knew that word spreads fast with the underworld, now that she had walked the earth; they would be after anyone she comes into contact with. Essentially she had put a target on anyone that knew her name.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the apartment behind his door, Connor lay awake thinking about Aylin, how he wished she could fall in love with him, she had already broken his heart enough, but he couldn't escape her beauty. Connor was glad to see her back in town and knew she would need all the help she could get. For he had heard the legends and the prophecies of Aylin's future, knowing the battle of her life was only beginning. Suddenly out of nowhere, Connor listened to the living room window open. With no hesitation, Connor quickly leaped out of bed; when he walked out of the room, he notices the window opened and Aylin sitting on the fire exit stairs. It looked like she was talking to herself. When he finally joined her, he saw that her necklace was glowing and that there was a voice coming out of it. "Yes, Daniel, I have found them, and I don't like where this is going. I can only hide for a few more days, and then the underworld is going to most likely find me; I have tried to leave, but something is holding me here?" Aylin said with her head in her hands, tense from stress as she sat with her knees to her chest, looking like a small child at that moment.

In a warm baritone voice, the necklace spoke. "Well, Aylin, I suggest you make your self look like a human; you need to hide from the underworld. They haven't seen you since you were a child; you must keep a note of the surroundings." Aylin listened to his advice carefully as she felt Connor sit beside her. After a while, Daniel left, and the necklace stopped glowing, leaving Aylin and Connor on the fire escape, looking out on the bright night-lights of a changing world. Where she hadn't blurry memories of. Aylin cast her eyes below, to the darkness of the street, hoping she was safe for one night at least. Connor then places his arm around her in comfort, knowing she was on edge. Aylin then rested her head on his chest, feeling safe for the first time in many years. 

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