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"Wait, hold on. This doesn't look right!"

"What do you mean? Of course, it wasn't going to have a light on. Didn't you see Aylin broke the door lock to let us in?" Stated Archer being observant for once in his career. As she pointed out to Soren. "Oh shut up, at least I am the smart one who brought an Aurora pod?" But as soon as he tapped what looked like a glow stick. Everyone else stood with wide eyes and open mouths. "Well, this isn't good at all!" gulped Tobias looking directly in the sight of a once sleeping bat. "It's ok, Soren. Turn off the stupid light and sit tight; I think Aylin chose this one for a reason, Tobi, don't go eating them." Connor frowned, looking at Tobias, eyeing up a few of them.

Connor then adventured around, with the knowledge Tobias was occupied with not eating them; no one else had night vision. He was attempting to find a way to get to Aylin when he suddenly heard a muffled scream, followed by muffled taking. As he did Connor, found the roof hatch, cautiously only opening the hat enough for his eyes to the peak. He then saw Aylin tied up and with tape across her mouth and a Demon tormenting her. 'It's ok, Aylin, we got this one,' Connor announced to her with his mind. She then looked in his general direction, and then he jumped to the ground. Informing the others, who then all raced outside and began to climb the side of the place. It didn't take long for the demons to realise Aylin was not alone; by the time they arrived on the roof, Aylin and the demons had gone. The group then looked at each other with worry and caution. Knowing nothing that was about to come was going to be good. All of them finally arrived back at Connor's apartment once again. Cassian could not stop pacing around, thinking of different ways to retrieve Aylin from the clutched of Baze.

"Oh, will you please stop pacing Cassian, and Connor, will you stop with the weird concentration face!" Ellaria exclaimed, getting twitchy herself from thinking about a plan. It seemed for once silence from all of them was a good thing. "Well, El, do you have a plan? We need to get her back!" Cassian pointed out as he put his thumb to his lip in thought once again.

"As a matter of fact, I have thought of something, but it may be completely reckless?"

"Well, what is it, Soren? I feel like anything is possible right now?" Cassian asked, squeezing the bridge if he's not in the hope of something good. Soren then paused and looked at everyone in suspense. "Well, we could go and see the wizard guy; he may know something at the least, and if not that, maybe we need to find the Nepenthe forest in England?" Silvia's eyes widened, she got up out of her seat. "We cannot go there Soren, it will only drive us all mad; the forest has unknown evils!"

"What is this place exactly?" Connor questioned, not knowing anything of the angel world. Kana then spoke. "Nepenthe, it literally means the place you forget grief or suffering. But it is a trap. Instead, you are thrown into the very emotion, where you are made to suffer, and as Silvia stated, people go mad." Kana started, shivering at the thought of the place.

"Well, why are we going? I personally don't want to go insane; I also don't understand how that will help us; Aylin won't be there?" Connor responded, eating a lamb chop with Tobias.

"Well, the Nepenthe is riddled with Demons and evil kind. The worst part is the ghost's; they look and appear like any of us. But they will lead you astray." Ellaria stated fiercely as she tried to stress how dangerous this forest was. "Well then, why don't we just go over and see the wizard man?" Soren sighed as everyone forgot about the wizard.

"Yeah, fine, we will go and see Benedict, he will not look kindly on us knocking on his door." Cassian exhaled, unraveling his arms, un-furrowed his brow, and reached for his sword.

Meanwhile, worlds away under the earth, in planes of maltene lave and hard rock, Aylin sat bruised, bloody, and tied up, his head hung low tiered as she sat panting, attempting to catch her breath. "You are a prize indeed, my child!" A man stood in front of her; his features are angular and rat like. He had a wart on his cheek and an ominous red and black cape. His black eyes wide-set and piercing, for in the underworld, he was not wearing a mask; he looked like no human. "Yes, child, you are mine; you will do as I ask." Aylin never looked at the man once; she never even spoke for herself. it seemed like she had given herself up to an unworthy fate. "look at me, child!" He suddenly exclaimed, slapping her with the gloves he clasped in his hand. Aylin mumbled inaudibly, still refusing to even look at the demon. "I am sorry, girl, I didn't hear that?" He snarled, now standing over her

. Aylin finally looked at him and spoke through gritted teeth. "You will never be able to use me in battle, Baze!" Aylin snapped as suddenly she looked at him with an empty vial between her lips. Baze then watched as her eyes turned human; they went from an icy blue to hazel instantly. "You witch, you monster, you evil, conniving, insulant child. Get her out of my sight!" Baze Exclaimed in pure outrage and anger. Back in middle earth, the others were knocking on Benedict Marcos's home. When he opened the door, he was stood in elegant royal blue Victorian clothes, seeming as if he had just done so mischievous magic. He had a pattern of freckles only on one side of his face. But before the group could say a word, he took one look at the Onyx and refused entry. Tobi soon cleared up using his wolf strength to keep it open as Ellaria handled the situation. "We aren't here to reprimand you, our sister was spotted coming to see you, and now she is in grave danger?" Benedict's ear's picked up and opened the jarred door further for them to walk into his living room. Now let them all have a seat on his leather sofa, which was not in keeping with his dress code. 

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