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Cassian simply sighed and tented to her wound, which seemed to be healing quickly. At that moment, the scribbler came through; Aylin caught it and began to read. "What and who is that from, Ay?" Cassian spoke, hoping it was good news at the least. Aylin then took Cassian's hand away from her head and began to read further. "It's Benedict." Aylin paused, biting her thumb in thought and worry. "He said only he and Archer got to the castle; he has no clue where Connor, Tobi, and Ellaria are?" Aylin panicked, not liking the idea of her sister and friends being lost out in the universe. "Oh god, ok, but Aylin, what can we do to find them? We are ok; we can provide a portal. But those three have no magic?" Cassian exclaimed, explaining the obvious. Aylin scowled at him, slightly thinking of a simple plan. Without saying another word Aylin then walked to her bedroom, making sure the door was locked securely; she even placed her wardrobe in front to make sure it stayed that way. She then sat in the middle of her bed, closed her eyes, sitting cross-legged, and then wholly relaxed.

All at once, she opened her eyes, as they stayed fixated on one point of her room. Her eyes then changed to gold. Then in the forest where Ellaria and the werewolves were lost, came this voice whispering through the boy's heads; at first, it was unclear and sounded ominous. But soon enough, the message became clear. "Connor, Tobi, can you hear me if you can sit down and focused, fix your eyes on a point, and I will be able to hear you!" The boys looked at each other in panic. "Oh, this is bad; she could get really hurt from this!" Tobias spoke, looking into the Connors's fearful eyes. "It is the only way of getting out of this place Tobi, we have to!" Ellaria observed on as the boys sat down in front of a tree, repeating the same steps as Aylin. "Ok, we can hear you, May!" Connor spoke using telepathy, knowing she was hosting this conversation and she was in danger. "Ok, thank you both for being here; I am hosting, so you are both safe, is Ellaria and Soren with you and safe?"

"Yeah, they are here and safe, what happened and why are we in the middle of a forest?" Tobias questioned. "Look, something happened to Benedict's portal; we are still working on that, but right now, I need both of you to set up camp and be back on the wave patterns tomorrow; I have run out of magic and can't do anything for tonight. Now keep El, Soren, and yourselves safe. I put a spell on you all weeks ago without you knowing. If you get into deep trouble, scratch an x on your arm, I will know." Aylin instructed as the connection got lost by Cassian breaking down the door and walking in and interrupting Aylin. "Hey, why did you put your dresser in front of the door?" Cassian questioned in a concerned tone looking into Aylin's eyes, noticing she was part wolf and back off, putting his hands up, showing he was not a threat. "Ah god damn it, Cassian, I did that so I wouldn't attack you; you are so lucky I had just finished the call!" Aylin sighed as her eyes melted back to an icy blue colour. "So you spoke to the Connor, and they are all safe, right?"

"Yes, I have sorted everything, Cassian. Seriously everything is fine." Aylin sighed, placing her shoulder with the sweetest smile, and looked up at Cassian; after that, Cassian was smitten helpless; Cassian then peppered her neck with kissed and realised they were finally alone for the first time since he met Aylin. The pair then found themselves in a passionate moment and could not resist each other. They found their way back to the bed, and instinct played its role again; the night was filled with pleasure and lust as they intertwined themselves with each other falling deeper into love. Cassian found himself waking up naked, but as he turned over to Aylin's side, she was nowhere to be seen. So with a groan, he sat up and walked into the living room; one there, he saw Aylin with yellow eyes and fixating on the spot again. This time he knew to wait until she had finished doing her thing with the wolves. Out of nowhere, she began to talk out loud, "Look, stop worrying about me, Connor, I will be fine; I can do both magic and be a wolf at some time." Cassian then looked up at her with wide eyes, worried about how this was going to go, knowing the supernatural world's rules and how none of them exactly get on with each other.

But before Cassian could think of a solution, Aylin's hands glowed blue, attempting to work on getting them back. Minuets of trying passed, and Aylin was getting weak, she began to hear ringing in her ears, and her head was pounding. But she gave it one last go, and that would be her magic out for the day. When she attempted, nothing happened, and Aylin had now made her nose bleed. "Come on, Aylin, you can do much more than this honey, you need to eat and take some time out," Cassian spoke, understanding she felt like it was all her fault, as he passed her a washcloth and some water. Aylin then looked up at him with big sad eyes; he was helpless but to sit there and cuddle her in reassurance. "Look, El and Soren will be fine, El, has Soren and Soren have two giant wolves looking out for him, and plus two are onyx blood; we were built for battle." Cassian smiled, rubbing Aylin's shoulder in comfort. Aylin hoped with worry knowing something was holding them all apart. 

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