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Cassian walked straight into Galileo's study in slight anger; not forgetting the image of Aylins beauty, he had in his head. Thought he wouldn't show his feelings, no not at all. His taught and steely exterior with a locked away heart would not allow this. Cassian clearing his mind now cast his eyes on Kepler. As alwasy she was hanging around him as well. "I don't understand Aylin is my sister; why would you not tell us about her?" Soren enquired in shock. The four of the teens looked angry, outraged and Galileo knew it was time to come clean. "Yes, she is the sister to three of you." he paused then proceeded quickly. "She is Soren, Archers, and Ellaria's sister. I am sorry, Cassian, you were just another child we saved that day." Galileo explained, ripping the plaster off and crushing four teens' lives in an instant. Cassian looked at the three of them and walked away. Little did they know that he went back to Maya. "Aylin, Maya, whoever you are. You are going to get out of her and save your self from Leo. I understand that the other three are your siblings, but you need to be protected right now." Cassian insisted, knowing that she was safer in the shadows. The truth was Cassian knew Aylin didn't choose this life and had now made an oath to himself to always protect her. Cassian then got her out of the establishment without anyone noticing. Just as he was about to let her go, Aylin pulled his arm back. "Here, take this and think of me; you will then know where I am at all times. I believe you are a good soul Cassian."

Aylin then walked away, with not even her white light shining; she now seemed to all around like another human walking the earth like she was mundane and naturally human. Little did Cassian know that the word had got out; Aylin was now walking on earth. It meant that she was up for grabs and back in play for the underworld, well, at least the darker side of it. An hour passed, and Aylin had arrived at an old butchery on the other side of the city. She then looked down a dark and eerie alleyway to the human side of Aylin. It made her hairs stand up on end and make her shiver; Aylin then looked both sided making sure she wasn't being followed. Proceeding to walk down the long alleyway beside the butchery.

As she walked, it seemed that Aylin's body began to move and twist in unnatural ways, suddenly changing her eyes from an angelic icy blue to a deep golden yellow. Her walk was more of a strut, and her being just seemed powerful and robust. Suddenly halfway down, Aylin stopped and looked to her left. A small lantern sat outside this wooden and scratched door, which had been left ajar. With no hesitation, Aylin walked in with a stern look on her face. The place seemed dark and eerie, but Aylin walked the area without fear. Then she opened a wooden door that wasn't held up by much. When she looked up into this room, she was greeted by about thirty golden eyes staring at her, all silently questioning her attendance. "Oh, hello, I am looking for Chief, Connor?" Aylin smiled warmly, acting innocent to the thirty eyes. As Aylin spoke, a tall man with a scar across his face appeared out of nowhere. He looked directly at her with his own golden eyes. "Wait, Maya, is that really you?" He questioned as he looked at her inquisitively, getting closer to her. "Hello, Connor, I haven't seen you in so long!" Aylin exclaimed, running up to him as Connor stood there with open arms. Both with warm smiles, "What are you doing here Maya, I thought you were supposed to be fighting a war?" Connor sighed, happy to see her, as he held Aylin close to him, stroking her long wavy hair.

"What about you Connor, how is chief life holding up after I gave it to you?" Aylin responded as she pulled away from him and grabbed herself a beer. Connor smirked and then looked at her through the corner of his eye. "Yeah, well, you would have been the better choice, instead of your best friend taking the job?" He sighed as Aylin then shook her head, taking a swig of her drink. "Oh no, you, Connor, are a perfect choice. I, on the other hand, could never rule; I have too many hands in other honey jars." Aylin chuckled, turning around to watch the people go about their business. "If you say so, anyway, when did you get here?" Connor asked, making light conversation. Aylin then looked at the clock above the fireplace. "About six hours ago, and this is only the second place I have been." Aylin giggled, looking at Connor as they drank to that. As then, Connor took the stage to announce her presence in the den. "Alright, everyone, listen up!" He yelled, getting the attention of the room. Dissipating the noise to nothing. "Tonight, we have an exceptional guest in the pack, who will be with us for a while. Some of you may know here, and some may not; if not, I advise you to come and meet her. Miss Maya Kingstone, everyone!" Connor shouted as he pointed over to her. Making Aylin feeling uncomfortable, but she embraced the gesture with a smile and a slight wave.

Connor then talked about some other news surrounding this group of main men, "So 24th and 25th street, don't go there people are getting killed by vampires, and we are not sure of the situation yet. I will update you on this next week. A-Woo, that my notices and time up for this week!" Connor then got lowed howl from the rest of the room. Aylin laughing at the fantastic way Connor took his leadership with the pack. "Welcome to the wolf pack Aylin." Connor sighed, using her correct name for the first time that evening. As he rested his arm back against the bar and looked swept his rather long hair back into a messy bun. The night continued, and Aylin had met a lot of new members in the pack. Some whereby blood and others where accidental scratches. When suddenly, she saw a group of five walking over to her. "Hey, Connor said we should meet you, so we thought we should come over?" They were all muscular and was a big age range. "Well, it's lovely to meet you all; I am guessing you are good friends of Connor's as well?" Aylin smiled politely as she took another swig of beer.

The five smiled and nodded kindly. "Well, I am Tobi, and I need a drink." Said this guy in his thirties, sorting a biker jacket and long scruffy blonde hair. "Well, evening Tobi, you are arriving at the party late?"

"Maya, What are you doing here?" He bellowed as they shook the head. "Nothing actually; I am here to see my pack and hang around for a bit. Call it an overdue holiday?" Aylin giggled as she then looked at the five. "Hey guys, how about you tell me your names?" 

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