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Now facing each other at two different sides of a desk, Aylin satire her icy blue eyes in Galileo's non-descript smug expression. Aylin noticed on her way in, the room was somewhat dated in décor, with ornate furniture and unnerving ornaments. Aylin could tell the current owner of the establishment liked it that way. The room had the aroma of cheep room fragrance and dust, also clear to the naked eye, as it dances around the room, light shimmering off of it, from the bright  sunlight streaming, in the window in front of her. Causing Galileo to be a figure with minimal detail. The study type room, was as if he had lived through many periods and gathered many styles. As quickly as the silence came over them, the quicker they began to convers, not one of them blinking for too long.

"So, Aylin, with respect, what are you doing on earth? I thought you were still with the white knights in Wendolyn, let alone exiled from this planet." Galileo grunted with his hand up to his face, and subtly leaning back in his chair, his body language adjusting, appearing ready to listen. Aylin with her leg crossed and sat elegantly herself, prepared to talk. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. At this point, a knife would have been an acceptable choice to have on hand. Each playing conversation like a chess game, moving one piece after another, ensuring to not being trapped. When Aylin rolled her eyes and leaned forward, clasping her hands over her crossed knee now begging in to responded the question being laid on the table like a sacrificed lamb.

"Ha, well yes, that is where I was," Aylin spoke batting her eyelids innocently, in a smooth tone as she paused for a brief second, thinking carefully. Then taking one look at Galileo, and the pathetic expression her had, knowing he did not intend on anything useful; which cause Aylin to throw the chess set rules out the window and fly off the handle as she continued. "Until for some reason, I found myself lying naked, in an alleyway not far from here, in the pouring rain. I was told to come and find you; and now you are before me disrespecting and angel, with unacceptable cortices. Anyway that's all I know?" Aylin exclaimed, now realising her grip on her knee had loosened, and holding them up, showing she was none the wiser. Continuing to looking at Galileo and the woman intensely staring Aylin down. 

The room paused for a second with silence suffocating each of them. Then talking through frustration and with no decorum Aylin looked over at the female from the corner of her eyes and spoke. "Hello Kepler, by the way, I see you are keeping quiet. At least I know a familiar face around here." Aylin hissed viciously, raising an eyebrow with attitude. As Kepler looked startled for a split second then looked at Galileo trying to ignore Aylin's comment. Knowing the fearless teen Aylin was. Then Galileo looked out the corner of his eye at Kepler with a suggestion. Aylin smirked, continuing to look at her from the corner of her eye.

Calmly, Aylin then addressed Galileo once more. "I am not sure what your wife has told you, and I don't know why I am here. Either way, Galileo, I see you only have a few options, it is that you either cuff me and take me to a cell for miss trust; or you trust the heavens and knowing what I am, let me fill my duties which I am yet to receive and we go our separate ways?" Aylin sighed, now sitting back in the chair, waiting for her fate to be decided. The room's atmosphere twisted and turned, forever changing. Finally Galileo had made up his mind on her. It was an unfortunate fate he had decided upon, only allowing himself to hear his wife's story, disregarding Aylin's declarations. "I am sorry to do this but, Kepler has told me what you are, and I cannot let you into roam this world in good continence. I have no choice but to imprison you, Aylin." Aylin's icy blue eyes darted at him, throwing daggers with one stair, but as she  looked at him she accepted his judgement. 

Saying no more, not even pleading her case, she simply stood and bowed her head in acknowledgement of Galileo's choice. Although her heart was going a hundred miles an hour and a tear wanted to escape; her own stone exterior seemed collected, for this was not the first time she had been imprisoned. Instinctively holding her hands out, willingly letting Galileo's man handle her. As they clasped iron chins around her wrists, Aylin did not really knowing her next move; now being pushed and pulled painfully by the two large men for before. Aylin was then placed into a pristine, white glass cell, and a guard was put to watch her, this was the first time she had truly felt trapped and alone in a cell. Little did Aylin know, but a way of escape was unfolding as she was being taken away. Her appearance caused a little bit of a stir, especially with four teens freshly back from a demon hunt the four  had just arrived back into the main hallway of the establishment.

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