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As the group was getting to grips with the new plan that Aylin had assigned to Sadie, Gideon, and what seems to be Benedict. Aylin was locked in a dirt, dim and wet cell, where each day, she was forced to attempt to use her powers. The one beautiful girl was being peppered with battle wounds and scars, her body marked by cruelty and pain, her eyes now dull and tired looking. As if the years she once youthfully carried could no longer hide. "Oh, good day, nice to see you again Baze, I guess it's time for our daily kill me slowly session?" Aylin smirked, still as spirited as ever. As she was thrown to the floor by two oversized demon guards. They were odd, neither had a face; they simply were a body; it got Aylin every time. Haunting her mind from years gone by. "Well, Aylin, if you can reverse the spell and be my ward, we wouldn't have to go through this, would we?" Baze chuckled evilly as Aylin grimaced at him with hate. Today was prevalent, Baze had found a worthy opponent for Aylin to attack. It was someone who taught her everything she knew when she had no choice but to comply with Baze.

Aylin's handcuffs were then taken off, she then raised from the floor with anger in her eyes. She stared directly at this beefcake of a man, with a bald head and weirdly shirtless. Aylin then crewed her face is discussed as he stood there un kept and unwashed. But then she remembered this was hell, after all. "Hello Ken, I see you have been keeping with the extra food diet?" Aylin mocked through her teeth, prepared for him to make the first move. He then let out a deep chuckle and began to storm towards her. Aylin simply standing there refusing to move; this caused Kin to look at Baze, causing the perfect distraction for Aylin. She then ran around the arena and ending her right next to a door. As soon as she got there, Aylin was abruptly stopped by guards. Aylin continued to struggle out of their grasp, but it was no good she was caught once again. She has then shoved into her dark and uncomfortable cell once again.

All Aylin could do now is hope and pray that the group is working on her plan; Aylin had never felt so useless in her life. Usually, she hands a plan to implement by now, and with some luck, it would work. Aylin felt like crying, no sobbing for the first time in many years. She couldn't believe she was back in hell, having no powers. But another two days passed; it had been two months since Aylin had seen sunlight and three weeks since she had an audience with Baze. It was as if he forgot she existed; Aylin wasn't complaining; of course, it kept her alive for a little longer. But just as she thought that, a sizeable tall giant came and grabbed her from the cells. Dragging her by the shirt as Aylin looked floppy and barely alive. "So, Aylin, I have decided you are no use to me." Baze hissed, his breath smelling of dead flesh and his teeth as crocked as a scarecrow. Meanwhile, on the wall of the establishment, a plan was being put into motion.

"It's Aylin; I can see her; she isn't looking good, though!" Archer exclaimed as he used his enhanced vision talents. "Well then boys, what are we waiting for? Let's go and help a friend out?" Smirked Sadie getting a thrill from the prospects of battle. Each person drawing out their chosen weapon, as they all split up, covering the courtyard where Aylin was about to be executed but Baze's sword. "You are not even my creation anymore; you deserved nothing I gave you!" He exclaimed as fear grew in Aylin's blue eyes. "Shame though, you became one of my most beautiful creations?" Baze hissed as spit flew from his mouth, narrowly missing Aylin. Gideon then nodded to the guys following him as they gave away their position, weapons drawn. "Put your sword down, Baze!" Gideon Bellowed, his voice echoing through the dilapidated courtyard. Baze looked at him with sharp angular eyes, and without hesitation, Baze ran his sword through Aylin's skeleton. "No, Aylin!" Screeched Ellaria from behind Gideon. As Aylin slowly pulled her hand away from the wound and looked at the red blood dripping off her hand. And through her top, suddenly closing her eyes and falling to the floor. Everything seemed to go in slow-motion for those few seconds as Soren held Ellaria back from doing something that would cost her life.

How about no?" He shrugged, laughing at the gesture.

At that moment, while Baze was being distracted, Cassian came charging from the other side at Baze, out of rage for Aylin's death. Using his sword, he began to engage in battle, which triggered everyone else on both Baze and Aylin's sides to engage in war. Everyone started yelling and screaming, and each fought for their lives, and each killing a life. In the middle of it in Aylin lay motionless on the cold, wet floor of hell. Cassian never taking his eyes off of her for one second as he battled with Baze and his henchmen. As a wolf from the other side of the battlefield, Connor could see Cassian about to get impales by a henchman. Causing him without hesitation to bound over to Cassian and bite the head off of the henchman. Cassian then gave the nod as both then continued to fight for everything as they knew it. Finally arriving at Aylin's body, now lying in the rain. "It's alright. I'm right here." Cassian took a moment to see the battle, Aylin's army was winning, but it wasn't over yet.

"Aylin, come on, wake up, I need you!" Cassian exclaimed, looking at the blood draining from her as he picked her up and cradled her in his lap. With a tear streaming down his face, he then kissed her four heads. "I got you, it's going to be ok, you're going to be ok." He whispered as suddenly three words spilled out into Aylin's ear. "I love you." 

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